Sauce from tomato paste

Until the summer we can only dream of ripe and juicy fresh tomatoes. In the meantime, the soul still requires a delicious tomato sauce. Of course, the sauce can also be prepared from tomatoes purchased in a tin can in its own juice , but it's not always desirable to put up with the cost that some producers wring from canned tomatoes. In this case, the quality tomato paste will come to the rescue, which, with proper preparation, will be able to compete for the title of the best basis for the sauce even in the tomato season.

Simple tomato paste sauce



After heating a little olive oil in the saucepan, fry the crushed garlic with Italian herbs for exactly 30 seconds, otherwise garlic can burn and make the sauce bitter. Add tomato to garlic, mix thoroughly and start gradually pouring water, making sure that there are no pasta balls left. Next, we can only reduce the heat and wait for about 10 minutes: during this time, excess moisture evaporates and the sauce thickens.

If the density of the sauce does not suit you, then in the finale, you can add a teaspoon of spilled olive oil flour and reheat the sauce until it bubbles.

Barbecue sauce from tomato paste

Shashlik sauce should have the necessary variety of taste, which will help meat become the main hero of the story developing on your plate: salty, hardly sweet and expressively spicy, the tomato paste sauce according to the recipe below is just suitable for this role.



In the saucepan mix olive oil with cream and warm it. Passer on the mixture of oils onions with celery, and after 5-7 minutes add the garlic and wait until it releases the fragrance. After that, we dilute the tomato paste with water or broth from the ratio 1: 1. We put into the sauce chopped chili pepper, after cleaning it from seeds, as well as the dried laurel leaf for flavor. A hot tomato paste sauce should be boiled on low heat for 20-25 minutes or until the desired consistency is achieved.

Homemade tomato paste sauce

Having prepared a classic tomato sauce for pizza and its more acute variation for meat dishes, we can not leave a terrific recipe of creamy sauce with tomatoes added - pasta and lasagna will only benefit from such an addition. Prepare this sauce from tomato paste just in minutes.



Traditionally, we start cooking our delicious sauce from tomato paste with oil heating in a frying pan. While the oil warms up, cut the peppers and onions, we pass them for 5-6 minutes, add the garlic, wait for another half a minute and fill the vegetable base with wine. Once all the moisture evaporates, put tomato paste, pour half a glass of water and mix. As soon as the sauce starts to thicken, we add it with cream and grated cheese, and then remove from the fire. Keep creamy-tomato sauce should not, and will not, so it tastes: without slowing down, mix it with freshly brewed pasta, place the dish on plates and serve with additional portion of grated cheese.