How correctly to wrap a shawarma?

Questions are caused not only by the preparation of shawarma , but also by its shaping. On how correctly to wrap the shawarma depends, whether you will be able to fully enjoy the taste of the prepared dish, or the contents of the lavash will fall mercilessly onto the plate, spoiling the meal. To avoid unpleasant incidents, we recommend that you refer to our detailed step-by-step master classes, among which you can choose the most optimal option for yourself.

How to wrap a shawarma in a round lavash?

The technique of wrapping a mixture of ingredients in round lavash is used not only in the cuisine of Central Asia, but also among Mexicans who deftly fold the burritos in a similar manner. This method helps to cover all the layers of the filling with a lavash evenly, so that when eating a cake keeps its shape.

Take the round lavash and arrange the layers of the selected filling in its lower third. Cover the side edges of the mixture with lavash.

Turn the free bottom edge.

Start to turn off the lavash roll, moving from the bottom up and carefully picking and compacting the stuffing with your hands.

Press down the filling at the very end and twist the edge of the pita so that the seam falls on the middle of the flat cake and holds well, without opening the filling during roasting. To fix the pita bread on the spot will help roasting the shawarma before serving.

How to wrap a house shawarma?

If instead of lavash you use a dense small pita, then you will not be able to separate especially in the technique of folding. Thanks to the density of the pita, it will easily retain the filling even with the simplest way of folding.

Put the ingredients in the center of the flat cake. Turn the pita bread in the bottom of the filling, closing it about a quarter, thereby preventing the breakdown of shawarma.

Tighten both lateral edges. Shaurma will be better to hold, if you wrap it with foil or a film, in such a variation the dish can be easily taken with you.

This method is also suitable for folding traditional oriental kebabs served on rather sumptuous flat cakes.

How to properly wrap shaurma at home?

If you use a large pita bread, then divide it in half. Lay the layers of the filling in the center of the flat cake and cover it with the top half of the pita bread.

Now connect the side edges of the pita bread in the center.

The last step of shaping shawarma is to carefully fold the cake, shifting everything to the remaining free layer of pita bread. As a result, you will receive a small square envelope with a filling.

In order not to break down the shawarma, such envelope is laid on a well-oiled frying pan with a seam down, after which it is allowed to brown, so that layers of pita bread tightly grasp together and do not fall apart.

How to wrap a shawarma at home

In the framework of another way of folding the pita bread, the flat cake will also have to be divided into two equal halves and put a serving portion in the center. Cover the filling with the free upper edge of the pita bread.

Now tuck one of the side edges so that you do not cover the filling. This layer will become a kind of protective barrier, preventing juices from filling the pita bread.

Continue to pile the lavash from one side, but now covering the filling with the sheet. This layer is designed to keep it itself.

Cover everything with a free edge of the pita on the other side, tightly ramming the stuffing together.

After folding the shawarma, it is placed on the grill and fried, preferably under a press, until a ruddy crust is formed. It is the roasting that will help the filling to stay inside as tightly as possible, and the pita bread will keep its shape.