Vegetable stew with cabbage

In summer or early autumn, when fresh vegetables are abundant, one always wants to cook something light and tasty. We will tell you a few recipes for cooking vegetable stew with cabbage. This dish turns out not only tasty, but also useful.

Vegetable stew with cauliflower



We cut finely onions, and carrots three on an average grater. We disassemble cauliflower, zucchini, pepper and tomatoes on the inflorescences with cubes. Finely weed the greens. In the frying pan, warm the vegetable oil, lay the onion and fry it for 2-3 minutes, then add the carrots, fry for another 2 minutes. Then spread the inflorescences of cabbage, pepper, zucchini and stew under the lid for about 10 minutes. At the same time, it is not necessary to add water, it is enough that the liquid that vegetables secrete. After this time, add tomatoes, salt, pepper to taste and stew under a closed lid until cooked. Minutes for 5 before the end of cooking, sprinkle the stew with chopped herbs.

Vegetable stew with Brussels sprouts



If the Brussels sprouts are large, then cut it in half, the small one can be left entirely. Pumpkin is peeled from the skin and seeds. We cut it into cubes. Similarly, we cut carrots. We cut the leeks with semirings. Brussels sprouts are boiled in salted water for 7 minutes. Then we throw it into the colander. In a frying pan with heated sunflower oil we pass the leek, after 3 minutes add the carrots and pumpkin, pour the liquid from the canned corn and stew for about 10 minutes under the lid. After that, add pepper, diced and green peas. We all mash together for another 5 minutes. At the end, we spread Brussels sprouts and corn. Solim and season with spices to taste. At the very end, sprinkle with green herbs.

Recipe for vegetable stew with white cabbage



Thin shred cabbage. In a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour olive oil and put it on a small fire. Spread into a pan cabbage, so that it was softer, it can be crushed first with salt. Add the diced squash.

In a frying pan with vegetable oil (you can use olive, or can be sunflower) fry the chopped onions and grated carrots. Tomatoes are covered with boiling water, peeled and cut the flesh into cubes. Spread them in a pot with cabbage and zucchini 15 minutes from the beginning of cooking. Another 5 minutes later add the roast of onions and carrots, as well as crushed garlic and salt to taste. Before serving on a table, a vegetable stew with white cabbage is sprinkled with chopped dill.