How to survive an abortion?

How to survive abortion is quite a difficult question. Because in our society all responsibility for artificially interrupted pregnancy is shifted to a woman who already has a hard time. Feeling of guilt and regret, not to mention the possible consequences, far from being the best way affect the state of mind and health in general. And the fact that a woman after an abortion needs psychological help, it does not go at all.

But the discussions on abortion are endless, but at the same time completely inconclusive, because, in addition to moral and ethical problems, there are various circumstances that are not always taken into account by "advisers." But, no matter how it was, let us return to the topic of how to survive the abortion after the incident.

Psychology of abortion

Even if a woman decided to interrupt the pregnancy quite consciously, it does not say that she will not face serious psychological problems in the future. Two scenarios for the development of events are basically different. In the first case, violations of the post-abortion period appear immediately in the form:

As a rule, such women take full responsibility for what they have done, and this is the first step towards forgiveness and the return of spiritual comfort.

In another version, a woman can leave the problem for a long time, closing herself to herself. The latent manifestation of a post-abortion period is often characterized by:

In any case, similar symptoms appear to varying degrees in almost every patient after an abortion and require timely psychological help.

Moral and ethical issues of abortion

The condition of a woman after an abortion is affected by many factors. This is public opinion, partner's attitude, religious beliefs, physiological and hormonal changes. But first of all, this is a personal attitude to what is happening, on which the recovery period directly depends.

A few tips to as soon as possible and painless to survive abortion:

  1. To begin with, you need to fully understand what happened.
  2. Then acceptance of the fact that there is no way back: neither regret nor remorse of the child will be returned.
  3. And the most difficult stage is forgiving oneself. To do this, you can start with the forgiveness of others, who to some extent took part in what is happening. It is important to understand that forgiveness is the only way out of the current situation that can restore peace of mind.