Sign - the fork fell

If you believe the older generation, then every our action or negligence in the kitchen can bring some misfortune to the family. Wiped the table and it remained moist? - Get ready, the husband will be a drunkard, well, and if, God forbid, of course, a couple of crumbs fell to the floor, then all - count, your family will be balanced on the verge of poverty. There are truth and good signs : the dishes are beating happily! And what does "grandmother's superstition" say about cutlery, and specifically - a fork?

Sign - the fork fell

In the event that a fork fell to the floor from the table, the rapid arrival of a woman predicts a sign. And the guest will be unpleasant to all members of the family, or brings bad news into the house. Explain this superstition with sharp prongs of the plug. And in order to avoid an unexpected visit, the device should not be lifted, or knock on the floor with the words: "Do not go anywhere, sit at home!"

The dismissal threatens the waitress with carelessness when serving. True, if an employee does not differ in quickness and attention, he will lose his job not only thanks to a dropped fork. Another sign is that in no case should you raise the cutlery in the street. People believe that it is with the help of a fork that you can get rid of the evil eye and spoilage. Pass by, holding the fist of your right hand. In any case, do not leave night cutlery on the table, they attract impure force.

To believe in signs or not?

There is an opinion that predictions come true for those who believe in them. And if no one at the table does not focus on the fallen fork, the omen will not work. The surest way to enjoy this life, and believe only in good characters. Otherwise, fallen knives, spoons, forks, uncooked tables and unclosed toilet bowls will drive you crazy.