How to cook soup?

Shchi is a hot traditional dish of Russian cuisine. There are many ways to prepare them, and today we will tell you how to properly cook soup and nourish the whole family.

How to cook cabbage soup with fresh cabbage?



Prepare all the ingredients: the Bulgarian pepper is processed, cut into thin semirings. Luchok and garlic is cleaned with a knife. In a deep frying pan pour oil, spread tomato paste and lightly fry. Then add the pepper, onions, garlic and let the vegetables take a few minutes. Next, throw the grated carrots and mix. Cabbage thinly shinkuem, neatly put in the roasting and pour a small amount of broth. Season with spices and tum for 10 minutes with a weak boil. Then carefully shift the dressing into a saucepan with broth and put the dishes on medium fire. We peel the potatoes, shred straws and dip them into the soup after boiling. A few minutes before the meal, sprinkle the dish with herbs, cover it with a lid and wait for 15 minutes, turning off the fire.

How to cook sushi from nettles?



Carrots and bulbs are cleaned, shredded with thin straws and wessed on the oil until ruddy. We process the potatoes, cut them into cubes and throw them into the boiling broth. We add vegetable roast, spices, cover with a lid and cook for about 10 minutes. In the meantime, we prepare the greens: we wash the nettle, scald with boiling water, tear off all the leaves and throw them into a saucepan. We try to taste the soup and bring it to the full.

How to cook cabbage soup from sorrel?



So, put the bones in a saucepan filled with cold water, and boil for about an hour, removing as necessary foam. At the end, we salt the broth to taste and gently take the bones out onto the plate. Add the potatoes, cut into strips, and boil it until soft. Carrots are cleaned, shredded on a grater, and the onion is freed from the husks and cut into half rings. In the frying pan pour the oil, warm it, spread the vegetables and passer them until ready. Then shift the roast in the soup and throw the sorrel, washed and cut into pieces. We bring the soup to boil, season with spices, boil for another 10 minutes and remove it from the plate. We pour out the dish on plates and decorate with greens and boiled egg, cut into halves.

How to cook cabbage soup with cabbage soup?



Quail cabbage squeezed well with his hands and put in a boiling meat broth. We peel the potatoes, chop the small pieces and throw them into the soup. Onions and carrots are processed, cut into strips and wessed on warmed vegetable oil until red. Then spread the roast to the main ingredients, season with spices and mix. Close the pan and cover the dish for 20 minutes. We pour out ready soup on deep plates, fill with sour cream and call household members to the table.

Now you know how to cook delicious cabbage soup in different ways! Good luck!