Powders for colds

Cold season - cold season. Of course, this disease does not pose a particular threat to the body, but the general condition suffers. There are a number of medicines that significantly help to improve well-being and eliminate cold symptoms. Below is a list of powders for colds and tell you when to apply them.

What are the best cold powders?

Powders from cold have a pleasant taste, they are simple enough to dissolve in the right amount of water and drink like tea. As a rule, these medicines well knock down the temperature, eliminate headache and muscle pain, and some also contribute to the improvement of nasal breathing.

Most often doctors prescribe such powders against colds:

Now we will consider each of the given preparations separately.


The composition of this drug includes such medicinal substances as paracetamol, phenyramin and vitamin C. Therefore, fervex is effective, when it is necessary to reduce the heat, eliminate headaches and muscle pain. Also, the use of this drug due to the presence in its composition of phenyramine, which has an antihistamine effect, contributes to the elimination of lacrimation and the removal of puffiness. And vitamin C will help the body to fight infection.


This drug also contains paracetamol, phenyramine and phenylephrine, as well as ascorbic acid. Like fervex, the pharmacitron is good at knocking down the fever, improves the overall condition. And thanks to the presence of phenylephrine pharmacitron also improves nasal breathing, so when using it you can reduce the use of vasoconstrictor drugs. And ascorbic acid increases the body's resistance to various infections.


This powder for cold also allows you to lower body temperature, eliminate nasal congestion and improve overall health.


Teraflu is also used to quickly eliminate the symptoms of colds, such as fever, general weakness, stuffy nose.

As can be seen from the description, all powders from cold have a similar effect. And they all just eliminate the symptoms, but they do not treat the underlying disease. Therefore, they should not get carried away, they should be used as an ambulance, when you need to quickly improve your health.

Mustard powder for colds

Speaking about powders for colds, we can not fail to mention the proven natural remedy for years - mustard powder. Below are the most effective recipes using mustard powder in the fight against colds.

  1. At the first manifestations of a cold, such as nasal congestion, swelling in the throat, you should pour 1 tablespoon of mustard powder into the socks and put them on. You can be a few hours in them, and you can leave it for the night, and in the morning rinse your feet with warm water. Repeat this the procedure should be 2-3 days in a row, and the cold will begin to recede.
  2. If there is no temperature, you can take a mustard bath. For this, 300 g of mustard powder should be diluted with warm water to the consistency of sour cream and added to water. This bath can take no more than 5 minutes, after which you should rinse with clean water and go under a warm blanket.
  3. It is also possible to soak the feet in solution with the addition of mustard powder. To do this, you need to dissolve 1 tablespoon of mustard in 5 liters of water and soak your feet for 5-7 minutes, after which you should wipe them dry and put on woolen socks. This procedure can also be carried out only if the temperature is not increased.