Fast-acting remedies for constipation

The absence of stool for more than 72 hours with normal volume of consumed food is considered constipation. Sometimes it is difficult to cope with this condition through correction of the diet and even with the help of medications. Therefore, pharmacies have increased the demand for fast-acting constipation, which can achieve bowel evacuation almost immediately after use.

People's laxatives from constipation fast action

The easiest and most effective way to speed up defecation is an enema. To carry out the procedure, you will need a syringe, Esmarch mug or a conventional combination hot water bottle. In the rectum, you must enter about 2 liters of warm water with freshly squeezed juice of 2 lemons.

A very fast-acting folk remedy for constipation is castor oil . It is enough to drink 1-2 tablespoons of this product on an empty stomach.

A mild laxative effect produces one-day kefir, which is added to any vegetable oil (1 tablespoon by 200 ml). It is recommended to use this mixture in a warm form before going to bed to empty in the morning.

Good herbal home remedy for constipation fast action



Combine the grinded components of the collection, boil water. Pour boiling water 1 tsp mixture, insist 60 minutes, strain.

Drink remedy before going to bed.

Another quick-acting laxative can be used instead of late dinner.

The recipe for the salad "Mistletka"



Wash and peel vegetables, grate them raw on a fine grater, do not squeeze the juice, mix. Season salad with oil, eat before bed.

It is worth noting that the emptying of the intestines is also promoted by beetroot without additives, as well as its freshly squeezed juice.

A popular fast-acting folk remedy for constipation is prune. It is necessary to pour boiling water 3-4 dried fruits and leave to infuse for 40 minutes. After this, you need to drink the compote and eat the swollen prunes. It is desirable to spend the procedure in the evening, before going to bed.

Medicated laxatives with fast-acting constipation

If folk recipes still did not produce the desired effect, you should purchase a pharmacological preparation for the evacuation of stool.

All means of constipation fast can be divided into several groups:

1. Osmotic:

2. Annoying:

3. Non-absorbable carbohydrates:

4. Detergents:

5. Bulk:

Among these high-speed agents for constipation, preference should be given to preparations with osmotic action and indigestible carbohydrates. They act most gently and do not irritate the intestines, prevent the formation of the "lazy gut" syndrome.