Cucumber «Masha F1»

Most people who grow cucumbers, not for the family, but for sale, prefer to plant self-pollinating varieties, the harvest of which ripens earlier than others, but at the same time, so that the transportability is good. Despite a sufficient number of varieties of cucumbers with different characteristics, the hybrid "Masha F1" has been very popular with vegetable growers for several years.

To understand if this variety suits you, you should familiarize yourself with its basic characteristics and growing conditions.

Cucumber «Masha F1»: description

"Masha F1" is one of the earliest self-pollinating hybrids of the cucumber-gherkin, produced by the company Seminis. It is designed for planting in a greenhouse and open ground in the spring-summer period. With an increase in daylight and a constant temperature of + 25 ° C, the plant develops better, grows powerful and fairly open, which facilitates the care and harvesting. In the autumn, when lighting is reduced, bloom problems begin. The variety is resistant to diseases such as powdery mildew , cladosporium, cucumber mosaic virus, etc.

The plant has a long period of fruiting, so the yield of cucumbers Masha F1 is high. With sufficient care, 6-7 ovaries are formed at each site. They mature early and fairly amicably. The first harvest can be collected on average 38-40 days after emergence. The fruits themselves are short (about 8 cm), regular cylindrical in shape, dark green in color. The skin of the cucumber is dense and covered with pronounced tubercles with small spines, the flesh is dense without bitterness. To obtain standard fruits of dark color, it is necessary to fertilize with magnesium and potassium. Cucumbers can be eaten fresh, but especially they are good for processing, including salting.

Cultivation of cucumbers of "Masha F1" variety

For planting cucumbers choose a warm, well-lit and sheltered from the wind place. They grow on all types of soil, but best of all - on light, non-acidic and humus-rich land. If the fall in the area under the cucumber was not applied manure, then in the spring, before planting, the land should be fertilized with well-repaired manure.

The earliest cucumbers are obtained from seedlings grown at a temperature of 20-25 ° C in a greenhouse or at home. Plant the seedlings in the last week of May, and cover with film if necessary.

Seeding of cucumber seeds "Masha F1" can also be made directly into the open ground to a depth of 2 cm, starting from the middle of May, since at a temperature at a depth above 15 ° C the seeds germinate well.

In the absence of frosts, during the second week of June, the shoots are thinned out. The optimal temperature for the development of plants is 20-25 ° C.

At vertical cultivation and 1 m2 plant 3 plants, and at horizontal - 4-5.

Care for planting cucumbers produce in the evening:

The rates of fertilizer application need to be adjusted depending on the type of soil and its depletion.

Growing cucumbers should be cleaned every day, not allowing their overgrowth, as they will inhibit the development of new ovaries. Such systematic harvesting will increase the yield of plants. Fruits should be cut off carefully so as not to disturb the position of the weaves and not damage the plant itself and its roots.

The grown cucumbers of the hybrid "Masha F1" will enrich your table with early vitamins in the summer, and in the winter they will enjoy salted and marinated.