Dry cough - treatment folk ways

Cough itself is not a disease, it is a protective reaction of the body with damage to the respiratory tract. When cleaning the lungs and bronchi with cough, sputum should be allocated, but sometimes it does not expectorate for a long time. This may mean that the immune system does not cope with the disease and additional measures need to be taken. Before proceeding with the treatment of a strong and protracted dry cough, it is desirable to determine the exact cause of its appearance. To do this, you need to visit the therapist and undergo an examination with listening to the airways for wheezing.

Treatment of dry cough with folk remedies

All recipes and folk methods of treatment of dry cough are based on the use of funds that promote irritation of the cough center. In this case, sufficient sputum is formed and released, and the respiratory tract is quickly cleared. Thus, the body gets rid of bacteria and viruses in the bronchi or trachea, as well as from the products of their life cycle.

Treatment of dry cough folk remedies during pregnancy

If for a normal person a dry cough - debilitating an unpleasant symptom, then for a woman expecting a child, this is a very dangerous phenomenon. Coughing spasms make the abdominal muscles tense and contract, which can harm the fetus. In addition, it interferes with the normal sleep and breathing of the expectant mother.

Treatment of dry cough in pregnant women is complicated by the fact that in this case it is undesirable to take any medications, especially potent ones. Side effects can adversely affect the baby's condition and even provoke bleeding. Therefore, during pregnancy, the treatment of dry cough is recommended to be done with folk remedies:

1. Inhalation by steam:

2. Fizzy drink:

3. Milk drink:

Dry cough - folk treatment

Among many recipes, consider the most effective folk methods for treating dry cough:

1. Onion with milk:

2. Hazelnut with honey:

3. Treatment of dry cough with herbs. It is necessary to make broths from pharmacy herbal collections or independently prepare phyto-tea. Suitable for such herbs:

4. Juice mixture:

5. Radish and honey: