Red eyes - what to do?

It is very unpleasant when you see in the morning that the white of the eye is red, because it gives your appearance a painful look. In addition, in some cases, the eye not only blushed, but also hurts, which causes additional discomfort. Despair is not worth it, because you can fight this problem even at home.

Causes of redness of eye proteins

The causes of the appearance of red eyes are diverse. But the most common of them are:

  1. External stimuli - this can be tobacco smoke, pollen, cosmetics or wind.
  2. The voltage of vision is mainly due to the long viewing of the TV, the stay at PC monitors or reading under low light.
  3. Fatigue caused by stress or overexertion.
  4. Insufficient duration of sleep .

Also, do not look for causes of redness of eye proteins, if you wear lenses and do not follow the rules of use. If you do not change them regularly and do not take them off at night, then do not be surprised that your eye is red and watery.


Treatment of redness of the eyes, if it arises constantly, is best to be entrusted to the doctor, but when you rarely encounter such a phenomenon, it is possible to dispense with a number of effective methods at home. Before removing the redness of the eyes with folk methods, try special medications: Vizin, Likontin, Inoksa, and Oksial.

Eye drops from red eyes are also called artificial tears, they have a moisturizing effect and help to relieve painful sensations. After you have started to treat reddening of eyes with such preparations, it is desirable to have a drink "Ascorutinum" and vitamins A.

Regardless of why the eyes are red, compresses can help in the treatment of this problem. The easiest way out is to moisten a handkerchief in cold water and apply to the eyes for 15-20 minutes. When you feel a burning sensation, it will not be superfluous to wrap a cube of ice in a scarf. With the help of such a method as a compress, you can get rid of red eyes if you clean a small tuber, wash it thoroughly, cut it in circles or grate it and put it on your eyes for 5-7 minutes. Instead of potatoes, you can use slices of fresh cucumber.

Packets of tea (preferably green) - this is also a very effective tool that will remove not only the irritation of proteins, but redness under the eyes. They need to be dipped in warm water for 10-15 seconds, slightly squeezed out and put on for 5-7 minutes on closed eyes. If your eyes are red, but there are no house bags, just make green tea and soak a few cotton wool in it. Use them the same way as the bags.

In the home treatment of red eyes, honey helps. It is necessary to dilute a drop of natural honey in 1 tbsp. boiled water. This mixture drips three times a day in the eye 2 drops.

How to avoid redness of the eyes

In order to avoid the question of how to remove redness of the eyes, one should observe simple rules of caring for them:

  1. Rest fully . Do not just sleep 8 hours a day, but also take other respites, especially if you are forced to work on a lot of time at the monitors.
  2. Avoid irritants . Eliminate all possible allergens and use only natural products and odorless items.
  3. Observe the rules of operation of contact lenses .
  4. Clean eyes well - before bedtime, rinse thoroughly the leftovers of cosmetics.

Now you know what to do when you see your red eyes in the morning. But if such irritation persists for a long period, then redness is associated with severe eye or intracranial pressure, or you have an infection in your eye. Address to the oculist, only he can take measures which will return to your eyes clearness and health.