Fistula on the gum - treatment at home

Fistula on the gum is a purulent disease, which can be cured at home. The ailment is a small diameter channel, coming from the source of inflammation to the outer surface. It appears as a result of infection in the body and the subsequent purulent process. The exudate tries to get out, causing the tubular cavity to form.

Treatment of fistula on the gum with antibiotics

To relieve inflammation and stop the formation of pus, antibiotics are prescribed. They are applied when the ailment has passed into a complex form. Only these drugs are able to cope with bacteria in a very short time. Most often, the course of treatment does not exceed ten days. The main agent is Gentamicin .

In this case, treatment will be effective, which will take place only after complete elimination of the microbes in the oral cavity. If the procedure is carried out correctly - the disease heals quickly.

How to cure a fistula on the gums at home?

The first thing to do is to stop the inflammatory process. For this, antihistamines are used: Tavegil and Suprastin. In addition, during the course it is desirable to make salt baths - they will help to remove swelling. A glass of solution can add a couple drops of iodine - this will speed up the healing process.

Also the mouth is rinsed with liquids bought in the pharmacy. These include: Betadine, Chlorhexidine and Miramistin. Improve the condition and antiviral gels. After rinsing, the ointment should be applied in a small amount to the affected area. The most effective drugs are: Asepta and Metrogil denta.

To treat the fistula on the gum, folk remedies are often used. One of the effective is an anti-inflammatory broth.

The recipe for broth


Preparation and use

The herbal mixture is poured with boiling water and left for three hours under a closed lid. Obtained extract infusion. Liquid cool to a comfortable temperature and rinse her mouth three times a day.

In addition, a well-known ointment of herbs. It will help to cure a fistula on the gum after removal of the tooth or for another reason.

Ointment Recipe


Preparation and use

Plants must be cut as finely as possible. Add oil and ointment, mix thoroughly. Leave for 12 hours in a dark place in a sealed container. Apply the medicine to the affected area twice a day.