Diseases of the oral mucosa

The reasons for the development of diseases inherent in the mucosa of the oral cavity are manifold. Depending on them, stomatitis can be differentiated into several types:

Infectious diseases of the oral mucosa

Infectious processes on the mucosa occur as a result of the activity of anaerobes, Candida fungus, streptococci, herpes virus. These microorganisms under normal conditions are permanent residents of the mouth, but in most cases remain in a dormant state. Under the influence of provoking factors, viruses and bacteria are awakened. And the reason for their activation is often the lack of proper hygiene.

In most cases, pathologies have a similar clinical picture. For example, with catarrhal stomatitis , swelling is noted, tissues are covered with a pale yellow coating, there is an unpleasant odor, increased saliva, bleeding gums. Almost the same symptoms are detected and ulcerative stomatitis. But in the future the deep layers of the mucous membrane are affected, the body temperature rises, and the lymph nodes increase. Eating is difficult due to severe pain syndrome.

Therefore, in the presence of disease of the oral mucosa of the inflammatory nature of the mouth, a laboratory examination of the smear is necessary to identify the pathogen.

Allergic diseases of the oral mucosa

Signs characteristic of allergic stomatitis:

The cause of this kind of stomatitis is the body's reaction to allergens. These include animal hair, industrial emissions, food, pollen. However, most often the mucosal lesions occur due to the use of synthetic pharmacological drugs. You can get rid of pathology only by revealing a specific allergen.

Pre-cancerous diseases of the oral mucosa

The so-called leukoplakia often develops as a result of mechanical trauma to the surface of the mucosa. Pathology has no significant symptoms, the patient can complain of a slight burning sensation. In the absence of treatment, the cells at the site of injury can mutate, which leads to a precancerous stage.

Treatment of mucous membranes of the oral cavity, provoked by viruses, is significantly different from the help with allergies. Therefore it is important at the first signs of pathology to visit the dentist and determine the cause of the disease.