How to properly pump the press?

The most common problem zone on the woman's body is the abdomen. Many believe that swinging the press, you can quickly achieve good results. The mistake is that the beautiful pumped muscles will not be visible under the layer of accumulated fat. Therefore, understanding how to lose weight and pump up the press , you need to pay attention not only to physical activity, but nutrition.

How to properly pump the press?

Exercises for the press are well known, but many of them perform incorrectly, so there is no desired effect. To fix errors, you need to know them:

  1. The fastest way to pump up the press is twisting. Many people, performing this exercise, try to raise the body as high as possible, but this is wrong. To use the muscles of the press, it is necessary to "fold." Many more like to cling to their feet for something, but this is also not recommended. The legs are best knit in the knees.
  2. Another popular exercise for the press is lifting the legs from a prone position. To get the effect, it is important that the loin does not come off the floor, so you should not lift your legs too low.
  3. Often people to pump oblique muscles make the slopes to the sides, and even with weighting. For beginners, this exercise is generally prohibited, since you can be injured. It is recommended to train these muscles to twist, shifting the body a few centimeters then one way, then the other.

As we have already said, considering the topic of how to pump the house press, it is worth paying attention to nutrition . Give up the sweet, floury and fatty. Make a diet so that it includes products containing protein, "complex" carbohydrates and the correct fats, because they are important for the normal functioning of the body.

Important tips how to pump up a relief press:

  1. For training, be sure to take water with you to be able to quench your thirst.
  2. Perform the exercises best in the morning on an empty stomach. If this is not possible, then consider that the load should be given after a minimum of 2 hours after eating.
  3. Do at least 15 repetitions in 3 sets. To achieve good results, you should regularly increase the load. Remember that it is important not quickly and much, but qualitatively.
  4. Muscles have the ability to get used to the load, so the coach is recommended to regularly change the exercises.
  5. Do everything smoothly without any sudden movements. Muscle tension should take place on inspiration, and relaxation on exhalation.