French bench press for girls - a variety and technique of performing

Many girls complain about ugly hands and in most cases, all the fault is sagging skin and weak muscles of the triceps. During the execution of ordinary household chores this part of the body is practically not involved, so special exercises will be very useful.

What is this French bench press?

A popular isolating exercise that is used to develop triceps is the French press. It necessarily enters the training of a bodybuilder. Finding out what the French press is, it should be said that this exercise is single-joint, that is, only the elbow joint participates in the work, working on flexion / extension. Although the main load and account for the triceps, participate in the work and assist muscles: chest, shoulders and forearms.

French press - for and against

There is an opinion that such exercises can cause harm and this is confirmed. Many doctors believe that the French press is dangerous because this kind of load is almost never found in everyday life and during the exercise the elbow joint gets a serious load, and this significantly increases the risk of injury. Problems can arise if the exercise is not done correctly and using a large weight, so the technique is important.

There are some advantages to the French press, which makes this exercise popular:

  1. Helps to tighten the skin and sagging muscles, which is especially important for women.
  2. Promotes muscle growth.
  3. Improves the stability of the shoulder joint.
  4. Develops the flexibility and functionality of the muscles of the hands.
  5. Increases productivity in sports directions, where you need strength of hands, for example, in swimming, volleyball and tennis.

How to do the French press?

In order for training to be of use only, and the risk of injury was minimal, it is necessary to perform the exercise, observing the technique impeccably. There are several important nuances of how to do the French press:

  1. In this exercise, the job is performed only by the shoulder joint.
  2. The part of the arm from the elbow to the forearm should be fixed.
  3. Elbows can not be placed in the sides, they and shoulders should be immovable.
  4. Performing a French press with a barbell, it is recommended to slightly bend your hands from the vertical, which will help increase the burden on the triceps.
  5. If you put your feet on a bench, you can isolate the triceps more. This should only be done by experienced athletes, since there is a risk of losing balance.
  6. It is important to keep the loin pressed against the floor.
  7. Carry out the French press slowly to feel the muscles.
  8. Do not try to lower the barbell or dumbbells, as low as possible behind the head, as this will lead to the appearance of trough in the lower back.
  9. At extreme points of the amplitude of motion, you need to pause for a couple of seconds, which will hold the load.
  10. It is not recommended to engage often, because muscles need rest. Do at least three sets of 15-20 times at a time.
  11. It is important to choose the correct weight so that you can properly perform the required number of repetitions.

French bench press

The most popular version of the exercise, which is used by all who wish to make their hands thin and fit. French press is often performed with a barbell, but you can use dumbbells. Some athletes prefer to use the EZ-bar. You can do the exercise on an incline bench.

  1. Lay down on a bench, so that the head is at the edge, and the feet are completely pressed to the floor.
  2. Take the usual barbell so that the arms of the distance between the arms were identical to the width of the shoulders. If the French press exercise is performed by the EZ-bar, then hold on to its inner part.
  3. Raise the bar above the chest, keeping your hands perpendicular to the floor.
  4. Inhaling, lower the bar down, bending the trays. Continue the movement until the neck slightly touches the crown.
  5. Lock the position for a couple of seconds and, exhaling, return to the FE. A short pause is recommended after the hands are straightened.

French bench press

When performing the exercise from the standing position, you will constantly have to maintain balance, which will require additional forces. You can perform the French press barbell, but it is better to use a dumbbell, especially if the lessons are held alone.

  1. Stand up straight, putting your feet at a distance, like the width of your shoulders. Hold the dumbbell with both hands over your head. To properly encircle the projectile, be guided by the drawing.
  2. To perform the French press from the standing position is necessary for inspiration, dropping the dumbbell by the head, adhering to a semicircular trajectory.
  3. Fixing the position at the extreme point, breathing out, straighten your arms, taking the initial position.

French bench press

To perform this exercise, you can sit on a regular bench or use the option with a slope, but only the back is important to establish perpendicular to the floor to keep your back in the forward position. You can perform a French press of dumbbells and a barbell.

  1. Hold the dumbbell with both hands over your head, wrapping the palms of the disc, and keep your thumbs on the handle. The palms should be pointing upwards.
  2. Keep the arm piece from the shoulder to the elbow near the head and at a right angle from the floor.
  3. Taking a breath, lower the dumbbell by the head, observing a semicircular trajectory. When the forearm touches the bicep, the movement should stop.
  4. At the expense of the tension of the triceps, exhaling, raise the dumbbell to its original position.

French press in Smith

Simulators are designed to improve the results from performing different exercises. To work out the triceps, Smith's machine is suitable. French bench in the simulator on the technique does not differ from the options performed with the bar in the sitting and lying position. The only difference is that as the bar moves along one trajectory, it is necessary to feed them a little while bending the elbows. Still need to constantly balance the hull. Simulator for the French press has a couple of advantages:

  1. Weight moves along a given trajectory, so the muscles of the stabilizers do not participate in the exercise and the whole load is obtained by the triceps.
  2. Due to the possibility to install safety stoppers at the required height, the risk that the bar will fall on the head and injure is equated to zero.

French press in crossover

To train the triceps, you can use a rope simulator. To begin with, set the appropriate weight and sit on the bench, starting to perform the French press for the girls:

  1. Take the arms of the upper block so that the palms are facing each other, that is, neutral grip.
  2. Trays bend at right angles and keep your hands so that the part from the shoulder to the elbow is perpendicular to the body.
  3. Exhaling, straighten your arms and stay at the end point for a couple of seconds.
  4. Return to the PI is necessary on inspiration.