Hyperextension - technique of performance, benefit and harm of hyperextension for the spine

The list of the most popular exercises includes hyperextension, which is performed by both men and women. However, many people do it wrong, which as a result does not give results and causes injury. To avoid this, it is important to know the technique of implementation.

What does hyperextension swing?

Many mistakenly believe that this exercise is designed to work on the buttocks, but in fact it is not. Finding out what hyperextension is, what muscles work and what results can be obtained, it is worth noting that the main load falls on the lower back and the back of the thighs. It is important to point out one feature - during the time of hyperextension, short spine muscles are involved in the work, which can not be developed by performing other movements. During the implementation of hyperextension, the calf and large gluteus muscle are trained.

Hyperextension - benefit and harm

Each exercise has its advantages and disadvantages, which must be taken into account without fail. The results depend on the correctness of the hyperextension, since even small deviations from the norm can lead to injury, and even positive changes in this case can not be said. For those who are interested in what gives hyperextension, it will be interesting to know what it is useful to perform exercises for people who want to lose excess weight and improve the relief of their body.

Hyperextension - benefit

In addition, that the exercise is effective for working out the muscles of the back surface of the body, it has other advantages:

  1. When performing the exercise without additional weight and in conjunction with the training of the press , you can get rid of the pain in the lumbar region.
  2. With regular hyperextension, you can maintain muscle tone and strengthen the spine.
  3. It is believed that the correct performance of the exercise is an excellent prevention of the intervertebral hernia.
  4. It is recommended to make such movements to people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, as they lose muscle elasticity and become weak.
  5. Finding out how useful hyperextension is, it should be pointed out that it will be an excellent warm-up before heavy exercises for the development of the back muscles, for example, before the deadlift .

Hyperextension - harm

Contraindicated exercise for people who have serious problems with the spine. In any case, before going to the intensive training, you need to consult a doctor. Harm hyperextension for the spine can bring, if you do it wrong, so the most common mistakes include: a strong deflection in the spine during lifting, a deep slope forward, bending the legs in the knees, casting the head and using excessive load.

Extensia and hyperextension - difference

Due to the fact that many terms are for the majority of people and, especially for beginners, unknown, many questions arise. For example, many people think that hyperextension and extension are different exercises, but in fact it is not. If the meaning of the first term is clear, then the second means straightening and extension. Hence it can be concluded that the two concepts presented describe the same action, since hypertension is also an extension of the body. The term "extensia" is applicable to other exercises.

What is better than hyperextension or deadlift?

For a correct comparison, you need to consider who performs them, and what purpose of the training is delivered. Beginners should choose the hyperextension exercise because the muscles are not yet ready for a serious load. It, in comparison with the deadlift, does not so heavily burden the connective tissue and spine. Experienced athletes who want to work out muscles well, it is better to use hyperextension as a warm-up.

Hyperextension - technique of performance

To begin with, you need to adjust the height of the machine so that it fits the growth. It is important that the front rollers are in a place where there will be a fold between the waist and the upper thighs. As for the lower ridges, they should be placed so as to be above the Achilles tendon. There is a scheme how to properly do hyperextension:

  1. Place yourself on a special bench face down, fixing the tibia under the rollers.
  2. Keep the trunk straight, as shown. Hands can be held behind the head, but you do not need to connect them to the lock, as this will create unnecessary strain on the neck. Another option for the position of the hands - cross them on the chest. Advanced athletes can take a pancake from the bar and keep it at the chest.
  3. While inhaling, slowly lean forward, but do not round your back, but keep it straight. You need to bend down until you feel a stretch in the back of the thigh. Another signal that you need to stop is the inability to continue moving without rounding your back.
  4. While exhaling, lift the body, taking the initial position. It is important not to do anything abruptly, as this is fraught with trauma.

There is a hyperextension lateral, which helps to work out the oblique muscles of the press . The bench should be installed at an angle of 20-45 degrees.

  1. Take the lateral position, fixing the outside of the foot under the rollers.
  2. With your hand on your upper hand, hold your head, and the other on your stomach.
  3. Lower the body down to feel the tension of the lateral muscles. Hold for a couple of seconds and go back to the starting position.

Back hyperextension - technique of implementation

Unlike the classical version of the exercise, reverse hyperextension has a number of advantages:

  1. Since during exercise, the load shifts from the waist to the legs and buttocks, you can use a lot of burdening, which positively affects the result.
  2. The reverse hyperextension does not clog the back, so it can be used before deadlift or squats.
  3. Another significant plus - the risk of getting a spinal injury is minimal and this exercise option is recommended if there is discomfort in the back area.

To perform reverse hyperextension, in the gym, you must first set a suitable weight on a special simulator.

  1. Arrange on the simulator, holding special handles, and start your feet behind the rollers.
  2. You need to start the movement by putting a little foot forward, and then, take them as far as possible back. At the end it is recommended to make a small stop.
  3. Return your legs to their original position and make the necessary number of repetitions.

Hyperextension at home without a simulator

If there is no possibility to go to the gym, this is no reason to refuse to perform hyperextension, since there are exercises for which special equipment is not required. Hyperextension without a simulator can be performed on the fitball.

  1. Place on the fitball so that the stomach is pressed against the ball, and the upper body is parallel to the floor. To keep the balance, it is necessary to rest on the floor with the toes of the foot. It is better to keep your hands near your head.
  2. While breathing out, slowly lift the body up, bending at the waist. At the top, hold for a few seconds, straining the bottom of your back.
  3. Breathing down, lower yourself to the initial position. Make the necessary number of repetitions.

Hyperextension for girls at home can be performed on a bench, but in this case, one can not do without the help of a partner. Immediately it is necessary to say that the amplitude of movement will be less than in the case of training on a special simulator.

  1. Place yourself on the horizontal bench so that the hips are on the edge and you can freely make a tilt forward, bending at the waist and not experiencing any discomfort. The assistant must stand behind and hold his legs firmly, so that the training person does not fall forward.
  2. Cross your arms on your chest or hold them near your head. Experienced athletes can use extra weight.
  3. Breathing in, slowly bend forward, not rounding your back. The slope should be as high as possible.
  4. Exhaling, lifting the body and returning it to its original position. During training, do not make sudden movements, as this can cause injury.

How to breathe correctly when hyperextension?

Professional trainers argue that in many respects the results from performing exercises depend on the right breathing. With its help, blood circulation can be avoided. For all exercises, proper breathing is important, hyperextension is no exception. The inspiration must be exercised during the time the body receives the load, that is, when it is raised, and the exhalation is done while relaxing (tilting).

Hyperextension - training program

Include the exercise is necessary in the complex, aimed at working out the back. Horizontal hypertension on the advice of trainers should be performed at the end of the complex, and the reverse, on the contrary, before the basic exercises. The number of repetitions and the used weight should be selected depending on the goal. As an example, you can rely on the presented recommendations in the form of a table.

goal Weight from the maximum Approaches Repetitions
Strengthening strength 85-100% 2-6 1-5
Development of muscle corset 60-85% 3-6 6-12
Drying 40-60% 2-4 12-25