Press training program

Dear girls, each of us dreams of a beautiful slim figure and looks enviously at the beach beauties with a pumped press. Would you like to have cute cubes on your stomach? If yes, then this article is for you! In it we will try to explain in more detail what should include the training program of the press, and what nuances should be taken into account when drafting it.

You have two options: training the press at home or in the gym. In the hall for this, more opportunities, however, if for some reason you can not afford a subscription, do not despair! If you want and diligence at home, you can also achieve excellent results.

So, the first thing you need to understand is that you have to develop a system for training the press, which you will follow and perform exercises from it regularly. Do not exhaust yourself every day! Muscles grow only during rest, so ideally you should perform the complex 3-4 times a week, not more.

Workout at home

Conditionally the abdominal muscles are divided into the lower and upper press. In fact, this is of course one single muscle, but this division makes it convenient to compose a set of exercises.

Training of the upper press includes direct twisting on the floor. In this exercise, it is not necessary to fully lift the casing, you can get an excellent effect by tearing off the scapula from the floor. Keep your hands behind your head, but do not squeeze your elbows together, otherwise the neck will get unnecessary strain.

Training the lower press involves exercises such as lifting the legs lying. Hands you can pull along the body or hold your head (more complex option). Try to lift straight legs, without bending them in the knees. A good load on the muscles will be given by the following exercise: also lying on your back, hands stretched along the body, raise your legs and then try to tear the pelvis off the floor, then slowly lower the pelvis, and then the legs to the floor. Socks during these exercises pull toward you. All movements are performed without jerks!

Do not forget about oblique muscles. You can give them a load by performing classic twists on the floor, but during the ascent, unfold the body either one way or the other.

Newbie's mistake: many girls like side slopes with dumbbells. Caution! If you overdo it, instead of the wasp waist, get it an "extended version". So do not get carried away by this exercise and make sure that the lateral muscles do not increase in volume.

Training press in the gym

In the hall you will be able to perform a more diverse complex and quickly achieve the desired result. However, if your goal is not only the training of the abdominal press, but the improvement of the figure as a whole, then by developing a weekly program, include exercises for the abdominal muscles at the end of the complex. The reason is simple: the muscles of the press work during the execution of almost any exercise, so it makes no sense to give them a heavy load at the very beginning, otherwise you will not be able to work out other muscle groups qualitatively.

Pay attention to such an effective exercise as lifting the legs in the vise. He has two options: using a special machine in which you lean on your elbows and raise your straight legs until parallel with the floor. Important:

  1. Do not make sudden movements (lifting and resetting is performed at a slow pace).
  2. Do not lift your legs at the expense of the swing, you must do this, including the muscles of the press.

The second variant of the exercise is more complicated: with hands you hold on to the bar and perform the exercise with the conditions already listed.

To work out the muscles of the upper press in the gym there is a special incline bench (as a rule, you can adjust the angle of inclination by determining the difficulty yourself). Doing twists on the block, you can hold your hands behind your head (make sure that your elbows are not folded) or press them to the chest. If you feel that the exercise it became easy for you, complicate it with the help of a weighting agent. Pick up a pancake with a small weight and continue.

If you have a pain after the workout, congratulations! You have done a good job, and your efforts will certainly give the desired effect. The main thing is not to give up and perform the complex regularly.

Important! Dear girls, the system of training the press will work effectively only in combination with the right sports diet. Those. you can perform all the exercises technically and regularly, but your wonderful beautiful press will simply not be visible under the fat layer. Therefore, take care of their food, make sure that your diet is dominated by protein and complex carbohydrates. Give up fast carbohydrates (sugar, sweets, sweet pastries). Believe me, the effort is worth it! You will receive not only a beautiful figure, but also become self-confident and hear compliments from men more often.