Calorie content of vegetables

Nutritionists are sure that it is vegetables that make up most of the person's daily diet, so that the body receives a maximum of useful substances and a minimum of empty calories. After all, with a low energy value, it is this component of nutrition that has the highest values ​​for the content of vitamins and minerals necessary for the healthy functioning of the body. Consider how many calories in vegetables.

Caloric content of fresh vegetables

Mostly fresh vegetables have the lowest calorie content. Including them in your diet, you can be sure that you do not face excess weight. For convenience, we offer a table of calories in vegetables, where they are arranged in order of increasing nutritional value: from the easiest to the most caloric.

It's no secret that when cooking dishes, their energy value can vary. To find out how many calories in boiled vegetables is fairly simple - this number is usually equal to the caloric value of the raw product, plus or minus 10 units.

Calories in frozen vegetables

In the winter season, lovers of proper nutrition are saved by various factory frosts, which can contain as one kind of vegetables, as well as vegetable mixes. Calories in frozen vegetables are also small, as in fresh ones:

The calorie content of vegetables is mostly very low, therefore it is recommended to use them in preparing dishes for everyone who follows the figure. Often, to reduce weight, you just need to give up conventional garnishes and switch to vegetable ones - from the list of the lightest.