Fried cabbage - calorie content

Cabbage takes a leading place among vegetables, in which vital nutrients are collected. Color, white, broccoli and other cabbages abound with cellulose, vitamin C , group B vitamins, amino acids, various minerals, etc., and this vegetable is also an excellent dietary product. Fresh cabbage, having a minimum calorie content, is one of the main components of the menu of people trying to keep themselves in good shape. However, cabbage is used not only in raw form, it is marinated, stewed, baked, used to prepare various dishes, but roast cabbage became very popular.

Caloric content of fried white cabbage

As a rule, fried foods are very high in calories, but this can not be said about fried cabbage, the calorie content of which on average equals 50 kcal per 100 g. This vegetable can be eaten easily during a diet, cabbage does not harm your figure, but only saturates the body with useful substances , because when frying it retains almost all the vitamins and minerals. Of course, the "weight" of this dish may vary depending on what products and what kind of oil the cabbage is fried. For example, the caloric content of fried cabbage with carrots is about 60 kcal per 100 g, but the calorific value of cabbage fried with egg is already much higher and amounts to 250 kcal, this is already an important indicator.

Caloric content of fried cauliflower

Cauliflower, perhaps, takes the leading place among its relatives in terms of vitamin composition. During frying, this vegetable forms a crust that protects against the loss of a large number of useful elements, so even in this form, this curly beauty is very useful for the body. The calorie content of fried cabbage on vegetable oil averages 120 kcal per 100 g, this figure is not that small, but if you do not get carried away with this dish, your figure will not suffer.