Salt - calorie content

Salt refers to the most ancient seasonings used by man. There are many different options, for example, cookery, marine, raw, iodized, etc. Many people, especially those who watch their weight, are interested in how many calories are in the salt and whether the energy value depends on its kind?

Immediately it is worth saying that regardless of the method of production, it does not have energy value, that is, the calories in it.

Even considering the fact that there are no calories in the salt, you can not abuse this product. The daily norm is no more than 5 g. With the abuse of this mineral, there can be puffiness and other problems with the body, which will promote weight gain. It is important to consider that salt is a part of many products that are present on your table, for example, in bread, pasta, cheeses, etc. By the way, the caloric content of salt does not change during use for preparing different dishes.

Types of salt

There are several variants of this mineral:

  1. Table salt . It consists mainly of sodium and chlorine, but it may contain other impurities. For example, microorganisms, putrefactive rocks, etc. This option is considered the most useless for the body.
  2. Pink salt . The mineral is subject only to primary processing, that is, it is only washed, dried and crushed. The color of the salt does not affect its taste qualities. The main thing - pink Himalayan salt contains more than 80 chemical elements.
  3. Sea salt . Most often, it is extracted naturally. The composition of sea salt includes a large number of substances that directly depend on the technology of production.
  4. Salt "The Flower of the Sea" . This option is considered the best, but at the same time expensive, as to get 0.5 kg of salt you need to take 40 kg of the final raw material.
  5. Brown salt . The natural mineral does not lend itself to any treatment, therefore it contains a large number of useful substances.