Berry mulberry - good and bad

Mulberry, also called mulberry, is often used for cooking compotes and jams, and these berries can also be eaten fresh. Excellent taste and aroma made them very beloved by many people, but far from everyone knows that berries of mulberry can bring not only good but also harm.

What are the benefits of mulberry berries?

First of all, it should be noted that these berries contain vitamins C, PP, B1 and B6, so they can strengthen the immune system, have a beneficial effect on the skin and hair condition, help to establish metabolic processes. Also in the mulberry you will find fiber, organic acids, potassium, magnesium and beta-carotene, all these substances are necessary for the normal functioning of all body systems, improve vision, restore the elasticity of blood vessels and strengthen the heart muscle. Of course, when heat treated, vitamins and listed substances are destroyed, and their quantity decreases, so much more will bring fresh mulberry berries.

The ability to establish digestive processes is another proven useful property of mulberry berries, they have been used for several centuries as a means that can increase appetite, increase intestinal motility and normalize the process of digesting food. It is recommended to eat a handful of fresh mulberry berries to anyone who wants to get rid of constipation or increased gas production in the intestines. But with diarrhea there are fruits of this tree is not worth it, since this only worsens the condition.

The properties of mulberry berries are also that they are really effective in combating various infections, some people argue that jam from them helps to get rid of cold symptoms much faster than is known to almost everyone raspberry jam. Doctors agree with this opinion, and advised in acute respiratory infections and flu to add hot mulberry jam to hot tea, this will help to eliminate such symptoms as runny nose and cough for a minimum of time.

Despite the obvious benefits of mulberry fruits, do not forget that they can cause an allergic reaction, and that jams and compotes with them contain too much sugar. Therefore, they should be used with caution in allergic people, people with diabetes and those who observe a strict diet, otherwise, berries will do more harm and only worsen the state of human health.