The ovary aches on the left - causes

Ovaries are female pairs of females, which exert a tremendous influence on the life of a woman. Their correct work depends not only on reproductive health, but also on the general well-being of women.

Pain in the ovary is an alarming symptom that can not be ignored. Very often pain is a manifestation of pathological changes in the reproductive system.

Why can the ovary on the left?

Often, pain in the ovary is considered a manifestation of the inflammatory process in women. But if the ovary hurts from the left, the reasons can be very different. Sometimes a painful sensation provokes a cyst, torsion of the leg of the ovary, hemorrhage, etc.

Causes of pain in the left ovary:

  1. Oophoritis is an inflammatory process of the appendages. In addition to pain in the left ovary, discomfort in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region may be manifested. The nature of pain is periodic. As a rule, the cause of the disease lies in hypothermia, overfatigue and other factors.
  2. Adnexitis is an inflammation of the ovaries. The cause of the disease is infection. The disease is characterized by pain in the lower abdomen, ovaries and lumbar spine. The nature of pain is periodic.
  3. The cyst is a tumor formation. It can exert pressure on the reproductive organs, thereby provoking a aching pain, which is especially felt in sudden movements.
  4. Torsion of the cyst's legs or its rupture. This pathology is characterized by the manifestation of acute pain. The rupture of the cyst is accompanied by piercing pain sensations, the manifestation of intoxication of the body (vomiting, diarrhea), an increase in body temperature.
  5. Apoplexy - rupture of the ovary with hemorrhage. It is manifested by a sharp pain that covers the entire pelvic region. Often a woman loses consciousness, the pulse becomes faster and pressure decreases. Among the provoking factors may be sexual intercourse or physical activity.
  6. Psychological factor. If the ovary hurts on the left, but there are no gynecological pathologies, this may be the result of a prolonged depressive state or other psychological disorders.

If the ovary hurts on the left side of pregnancy

In the period of gestation, the ovaries in the body of a woman are practically not functioning. Often the cause of unpleasant sensations can be a growing fetus that displaces various internal organs. Therefore, the ovaries themselves may not be sick, but the uterine muscles or ligaments supporting the uterus and the ovaries.

Often, intestinal pain is mistaken for ovarian pain. This is due to irregular stools and body displacement. But in order to exclude possible risks, it should be at the appearance of the first alarming symptoms, go to the women's consultation.

If the left ovary hurts, the reasons can be very different. Attentiveness to your body is a guarantee of health. And if there were unpleasant sensations, it is necessary, first of all, to understand why the left ovary hurts.

Correct diagnosis and qualified specialists will help to establish the cause of the problem and choose the further effective treatment.