Trichomonal vaginitis

This kind of inflammatory process in the vagina, like trichomonas vaginitis, is a consequence of the onset of a woman's pathogen Trichomonas vaginalis. This pathogenic microorganism refers to unicellular flagellates. Getting into the vagina, the bacterium begins to multiply intensively, which leads to a change in the microflora and the development of inflammation.

Because of what can the disease develop Trichomonas vaginitis?

Before considering the symptoms of trichomonas vaginitis, it is necessary to say about the main factors contributing to the onset of the disease. These are:

  1. Frequent change of sexual partners. Thus, according to observations of medical specialists, women who lead a disordered sexual life are approximately 3-4 times more likely to undergo such a pathology.
  2. Weakened immunity. Long-term chronic diseases can lead to a decrease in the body's defenses, resulting in reproductive organs becoming more prone to infections.
  3. The suppression of a natural, normal vaginal microflora is also a factor contributing to the development of the disease. This can be observed with excessive stress, overexertion, and is often regarded as the result of a long, uncontrolled intake of antibacterial drugs.
  4. Hormonal failure can also be considered as a factor that causes the development of an infectious process, including trichomonas vaginitis.

After the pathogen enters the female body, it is delayed by the cells of the vaginal mucosa, causing a focus of inflammation. Further, microorganisms penetrate into the glands, which is accompanied by the development of symptoms. This period, from the moment of penetration of the pathogen to the first symptoms, is called incubation and lasts for trichomonas vaginitis up to 1-2 weeks.

How is trichomonas vaginitis manifested?

The main signs suggesting such a violation are:

It is worth noting that with this disease, the symptomatology is most pronounced after the end of menstruation.

How is trichomonadal vaginitis treated?

As a rule, the therapeutic process with trichomonas vaginitis in women is a whole complex of measures, which can include the following stages:

  1. Sanitation of the focus of infection (vagina). In this case, various kinds of antiseptic solutions are used, with the help of which syringing and irrigation of the mucous membrane are carried out.
  2. Specific treatment. It is in the appointment of medicines. Thus, for the treatment of trichomonas vaginitis, drugs from the metronidazole group and its derivatives are used. An example of such can be: Metronidazole, Ornidazole, Clindamycin.
  3. Elimination of the consequences of the disease, which can be the erosion of the uterine neck.
  4. Complete elimination of factors contributing to the resumption of the disease, such as immune impairment or hormonal failure.
  5. Restoration of the microflora of the vagina, which is achieved with a certain number of drugs.

Thus, it is necessary to say that the treatment regimen of trichomonas vaginitis should be selected individually for each patient, but the therapeutic process must necessarily include all the steps listed above.