Bumps on the labia

Diseases of the genital organs, to which the modern representatives of the weaker sex are subject, there are many. Their manifestations are diverse and diverse. Often, women hesitate to consult a doctor, discovering some signs of illness, such as pimples on the labia. At the same time, making a big mistake and jeopardizing the health of your and your loved ones.

What can indicate the presence of pimples on the labia?

The reasons for the appearance of pimples on small and large labia are somewhat:

  1. Genital Herpes . In this case, the rashes are painful enough, itching and burning appear in the affected areas. In appearance, the rash on the labia is similar to pimples white or more often transparent, filled with liquid. If you comb them - the bubbles burst, followed by a crust. The primary manifestation of herpes always occurs with the most severe symptoms and causes a lot of discomfort, subsequent relapses are less intense. To date, completely cured of this disease is impossible, there are only means that help to get rid of the signs of the virus as soon as possible. When pimples appear on the labia due to infection with herpes, the rashes will pass independently after a while even without treatment, using antiviral drugs, you will accelerate this process.
  2. When the white pimples on the labia just at first glance seem watery and transparent, but in fact it is dense in structure with a peaked apex of formation, then, most likely, it is papillomas. They appear as a result of infection with the human papilloma virus , which is also transmitted by the sexual way and is almost incurable.
  3. The most banal and harmless reason for the appearance of pimples on the labia is an allergy.

Pimples caused by an allergic reaction or herpes can be treated independently. Papillomavirus should be removed, as they are dangerous. If you doubt the origin of the rashes, do not do self-diagnosis - entrust this matter to the doctor.