Mink fur coat from pieces

Women's mink fur coat is an expensive wardrobe item that will never cease to be relevant. Natural fur has always been proof of the high status and wealth of his mistress. And fur of a mink already for a long time is considered classics, therefore products from it always on peak of popularity. It's not the first season that designers present to the women of fashion collections a collection of mink coats, and also separate a line of models from pieces. Mink fur coats from pieces became actual due to interesting design. However, such products are not included in the budget, and are designed for representatives of the secured layers.

Models of mink coats from pieces

Mink fur coats from pieces are often represented by two types - models from torn random parts and cross-pieces. In the first case, the boundaries between the pieces are not so noticeable and are often perceived as randomly combed fur. Mink fur coats create the impression of sewn from the horizontal lines of the model.

For young women designers release collections of short mink fur coats from pieces. Such models are also convenient for those who conduct an active image, and whose wardrobe can change during the day. After all, short fur coats perfectly fit, both in business and office ensembles, and in the street style . Short mink furs from pieces often have a straight silhouette. That the pieces were not noticeable, the stylists advise choosing white models. In this color mink coats look solid.

According to the stylists, mink coats are not the length of a midi. All models that are below the hips are considered to be long. Long mink fur from slices vividly demonstrates social status and financial position, as well as qualities such as independence and individuality. Therefore, long models are more suitable for business business ladies.

The most fashionable mink coats from the pieces are models with a hood. However, this option is also considered the most expensive. After all, the gentle fur of the mink and so does not tolerate cutting, and models with a hood require more careful modeling.