Cerebranic syndrome in children

Cerebrenic syndrome in children is a condition that is caused by organic brain damage, characterized by rapid fatigue, the inability to concentrate attention for a long time, drowsiness, irritability, sleep disorders, headaches and other vegetative disorders. The primary causes of cerebrosthenic syndrome may be craniocerebral or birth trauma, perinatal encephalopathy , intrauterine hypoxia, minimal cerebral dysfunction, general infections with toxic damage to the brain tissue.

Cerebranic syndrome in children: symptoms

There are two forms of cerebrasthenic state:

  1. Hyperdynamic , which is characterized by increased excitability, motor disinhibition, rapid change of mood, frequent manifestations of aggression, uncontrollability.
  2. Hypodynamic , which manifests itself diametrically opposite symptoms: weakness, timidity, shyness and indecision, lack of initiative and increased sensitivity.

Children suffering from cerebrosthenic syndrome are also prone to frequent colds and diseases of the upper respiratory tract. They also have problems with the digestive tract: poor appetite, frequent constipation, vomiting. An alarming symptom is also a violation of sleep: babies with cerebral grains fall asleep very heavily, sleep sensitively and often wake up, suffer from nighttime fears, spit in a dream. Although the mental and physical development of children with cerebrosthenic syndrome is not violated, socialization is very difficult for them. In a children's collective, whether it is a kindergarten or a school, they try to keep aloof, without taking part in common activities. The educational process becomes for these children a real hard labor: they simply can not physically sit out for such a long time in one place, doing one thing.

Cerebranic syndrome in children: treatment

Children diagnosed with "cerebrosthenic syndrome" need complex treatment. Parents should ensure that the child has enough time spent in the open air, sleep well and eat, did not sit for a long time in front of the TV or computer. Children with cerebral embryo need more than others for parental support and approval, so another important task for parents is to establish a trusting relationship with the child. To normalize the emotional state of such children shows the reception of soft sedatives: tinctures of valerian, broth of hawthorn, motherwort, etc.