Scabies in children - the best ways to combat the disease

Among a large number of skin diseases, scabies in children are very common. It's all about the high contagiousness of this disease. As soon as the parents suspected that the baby has a parasitic disease, it is necessary to contact the kozhvendispanser at the place of residence. Scabies in children, the photo of which you will see in the article, cause unpleasant sensations.

Scabies - causes and ways of infection

Scabies, the causes of which are parasites, that is, scabies mites, is a highly contagious disease, which can be picked up by anyone. The culprit of the disease, is implanted into the skin in the most vulnerable and tender places - in the groin, armpits, on the elbows, under the knees, between the fingers. But the infection is not short-term contact with the patient. In order for the mite to climb, it takes from 20 to 30 minutes. In the children's body itch mite, it is itch, can get in such ways:

Scabies in children - symptoms

Attentive parents can quickly identify signs of scabies in children, but the problem is that some of them are characteristic of other skin manifestations: an allergic reaction and various infectious ailments. Independently to understand, that it has begun a scabies at children, it is very complex or difficult. That is why the diagnosis of the disease in a medical institution is required. Its main features are:

How does scabies begin in children

In triplets, the disease is diagnosed simply when the first symptoms of scabies in children on the face. In children less than this age, observation is necessary to identify the cause of the rash. First, the skin is affected between the fingers, then the rash appears on the waist, buttocks, in the genital area. Babies, who are well cared for in terms of hygiene, are less prone to rashes, and those who have this disorder is literally strewn with spots. After the appearance of the first rashes, at night there is itching and scratching on the skin, leading to secondary infection.

What does scabies in children look like?

Due to the widespread prevalence of the disease, parents need to know how scabies are manifested in children, what it looks like. Since the mite is looking for the most delicate skin, the first thing to do is pay attention to the folds of the elbows and knees, the area between the fingers. The skin there becomes dry, begins to slough and burst. Pimples on the body have different sizes and pustule, which when combed forms a crust.

How to determine the scabies in a child?

To reveal a scabies mite in a child, a full-time consultation of a dermatologist is required. During her doctor examines the body of the patient in the hope of seeing the tick movements in the skin, which are often visible to the naked eye. For greater reliability, the diagnostic sites are smeared with iodine or other aniline dyes to manifest a zigzag pattern of strokes. After this, take the scraping from the affected area. Adolescent children may be offered piercing the papule with a needle to extract the parasite and its microbiological examination.

Than to treat a scabies at children?

In most cases, the treatment of scabies in children is carried out at home. For complete recovery, it takes at least a week. Bed rest is not required and after 7 days you can go for a walk. In order to scabies in young children was completely cured, apply a variety of creams, ointments and emulsions. At its atypical form the child is treated in a hospital, but such cases are very rare.

Ointment for mange for children

The scabies in small children are treated simply. It is important to adhere to certain rules for the treatment of skin. Due to the fact that subcutaneous parasites are activated in the evening, all treatment activities should also be postponed for the evening. First of all, the baby's body should be cleaned with a sponge, water and soap, then use the medicine prescribed by the doctor. The following preparations are used for the treatment of the disease:

  1. Ointment or emulsion Benzyl benzoate. The drug is applied to the skin on the first and fourth day (except the face and head). During medical procedures it is desirable to withstand a 12 hour period without water procedures. This drug is considered one of the most effective and cheap. It can be used for children from 2-3 years of age. In addition, a daily change of bed linen and underwear will be required.
  2. Permethrin - a medicine for children from 1 year, which is available in various dosage forms. It is not toxic to the baby.
  3. Sulfur ointment is used in adolescence and by no means fits children less than 3 years old.

Scabies - folk methods of treatment

For those who suffer from intolerance to various drugs, the remedy for scabies for children can be replaced with folk-tested medications. They need to be used up to 7 days before the mite is completely destroyed.

To lubricate the affected areas use the mixture:

Prophylaxis of scabies in children

The preventive measure of struggle against scabies is the detection of all the sick in the team or in the family circle. Scabies in children are transmitted by contact, and therefore disinfection should be subjected to dishes, bedding, furniture, toys. If the patient is diagnosed as ill, quarantine and preventive treatment are prescribed to the whole family. In the kindergarten, the quarantine group is not closed, but children are prescribed treatment for the purpose of prevention.