Thrush in children - treatment

Thrush or candidiasis in children is best treated in the early stages. If the elimination of the fungus that causes it, to do it on time, the illness will not give the baby much anxiety. There are several methods of treating thrush, the optimal one is selected based on how the disease proceeds.

In detail, we will consider medicamentous and folk remedies, as the most common treatment options for thrush in children. In advance, we draw attention to the fact that self-medication should not be dealt with. If symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor who will prescribe the appropriate course of taking medication.

Medicinal treatment of thrush

Drugs intended for the treatment of candidiasis are now many. The most common of these are: miramistin, nystatin and candida.

  1. Miramistin. Miramistin is a broad-spectrum antibacterial drug. Can be appointed by doctors, as a remedy for thrush in children. The preparation is produced in the form of ointment and solution. Affected by the thrush skin areas are gently wiped with gauze soaked in a solution of miramistin. The ointment is applied to the mucous membrane with a thin layer. The dosage and frequency of the drug are determined by a specialist. Miramistin in the treatment of thrush in children is good because it does not have a pronounced taste and smell and in most cases does not cause the effect of tingling mucous. Used with antibiotics, the drug enhances their activity against fungi.
  2. Nystatin. One of the remedies that doctors can prescribe for thrush in children is the antibiotic nystatin. It is produced in the form of tablets, vaginal suppositories and ointments. The drug is good because the sensitive fungi of the genus Candida very slowly develop tolerance in relation to it. The medicine is prescribed for the threat of development of severe forms of candidiasis. As a rule, this refers to premature babies or to babies who have undergone a long course of treatment and with advanced forms of the disease. If the doctor prescribed nystatin in the form of an ointment, it should be applied 2 times a day to the areas affected by the milkwoman. Tablets and suppositories should be used in accordance with the instructions for the drug. The course of treatment with nystatin is prolonged - about 2 weeks. During the period of drug administration, it is important to monitor the condition of the child, since the drug may give an allergic reaction.
  3. Candide. Candida is a drug from thrush in children, similar in action to nystatin. It is prescribed in the form of a solution. To small children, the oral cavity is wiped, moistened with a tampon in the medicine. The procedure is carried out 2 - 3 times a day, for 10 days.

Treating thrush with folk remedies

The most common treatment for thrush in infants is rinsing with soda. This method is used when the oral cavity is affected. A solution of soda is prepared based on the calculation: 1 teaspoon of baking soda per 1 cup of cooled boiled water.

An adult child rinses the mouth with a prepared solution, and the mother mums rubs the affected area of ​​the mucous membrane. This should be done carefully, since the mucosa is very sensitive. In order for a small child to open his mouth with a thumb to press the chin. The affected areas are wiped with a swab soaked in solution, the manipulation is performed every 2 to 3 hours.

In addition to soda, you can use herbs from herbs or natural juices:

  1. Carrot juice. It is given to infants by the 1st drop at the age of more than 4 weeks. The procedure is carried out 15 minutes before feeding. A tampon moistened in carrot juice, you can gently rub the affected areas. Selecting this method, you need to monitor the state of the child, since the juice can cause allergies.
  2. Flax seeds with honey. For cooking, take 1 teaspoon of flax and fill it with 100 ml of hot boiled water. Water is infused for an hour, then it should be added a teaspoon of honey. Marley, moistened in solution, mucous a child is wiped 2 - 3 times a day.
  3. Flowers of calendula . A tablespoon of dried calendula flowers should be filled with 100 ml of boiling water. The dishes, in which water is infused, should be wrapped up and after an hour the water must be filtered. A pad moistened in this broth, wipe the affected areas of the thrush.

It is important to remember that treatment of thrush in children with folk remedies should also be agreed with the doctor. In addition, natural herbs and juices can be the strongest allergens for a child, so they need to be treated with extreme caution and small amounts should be started.