Boric acid in the child's ear

Ear and toothache in the people are considered to be the most powerful and unpleasant, and if problems with the teeth are more common in adults, then the diseases associated with the ears are usually affected by children. This is explained by the fact that the child's auditory tube is shorter and wider than that of the parents, and harmful bacteria are easier to penetrate there. Most often in our time, the doctor besides hydrogen peroxide and antibacterial drops, prescribe boric acid in the child's ear for its treatment.

Basic rules of use

Just want to say that a miracle cure can be used only after the appointment of an otolaryngologist. Therefore it is extremely important to visit a doctor right after the baby has addressed you with complaints of ear pain. The specialist will examine the child and prescribe the treatment. The correct diagnosis is half the success, because in any case you can not use boric acid with internal otitis and otitis media.

Doctors recommend three methods, how to treat the ear with boric acid, but it should be remembered that the therapy always goes in combination with other medicines. Regardless of the method, first of all, the auricle should be cleaned of sulfur with the help of hydrogen peroxide, this will allow the ear canal to better perceive the medicine. For this, after dripping 5 drops of peroxide in the ear and tilting the head in the opposite direction, wipe it with a cotton swab. After this, the sore spot needs to be treated with an antiseptic agent, for which boric acid is used: after dripping 3 drops of the drug and waiting 10 minutes, sharply tilt the head in the other direction and remove excess fluid. In the second method, after all the above procedures and the time passed, antibacterial drops are instilled in the ear sink.

The third method is when boric acid is used as a compress: gauze flagella soaked in medicine is inserted into the eye of the baby at night for more effective exposure to the focus of pain.


It should immediately be noted that boric acid and its use in children are effective when used no more than a week, because long-term treatment with this medication can lead to side effects in the baby. These include headache, vomiting, nausea, convulsions, and even impaired renal function. Therefore, the doctor should be consulted not only to learn how to use boric acid, but also in case the child develops the symptoms described above.

Parents must also observe precautions: since the remedy is a poison, boric acid should be dripped only in the ear, getting it, for example, in the eyes or mouth cavity, can threaten the baby with poisoning.