Angina in children - how to treat?

Among the huge list of childhood diseases, angina is considered one of the most complex and often occurring diseases. And therefore, the question of how to treat angina in children is always topical. And frosty in winter, and hot summer, tonsillitis in children becomes a cause of concern for moms and pediatricians. The main danger of inflammation of the tonsils is not in the disease itself, but in its consequences for the immature organism, often arising after incorrect or independent treatment.

Symptoms of angina

In order not to miss the onset of the disease, it is necessary to know the main symptoms of the disease. What is angina, or acute tonsillitis? This inflammation of the tonsils caused by infection, most often streptococci. The healthy body of the child perfectly copes with any viruses, but with weakening of the immune system (for example: after a serious illness, hypothermia, with teething), ceases to struggle. And the infection gets inside, causing local inflammation of the tonsils.

The main symptoms of tonsillitis are high temperature (up to 41 degrees) and severe pain in the throat. Drugs for sore throats for children should be prescribed by a pediatrician, because the dosage of drugs may differ depending on the child's age, body weight and the nature of the disease. Inflammation of the tonsils is sometimes a concomitant symptom of very serious diseases (infectious mononucleosis, leukemia, etc.), so only a specialist can make a correct diagnosis.

How to treat angina in children with medicines?

Inflammation of the tonsils affects the entire body of the child - there is weakness, lethargy, the baby begins to be capricious and refuse to eat. Angina in infants varies in different ways, and treatment depends on the type of disease and its age.

Catarrhal angina is treated at home, however, if it is a newborn baby, the district pediatrician can decide on hospitalization. In any case, the patient needs a bed rest, a plentiful drink (warm, not hot) and mushy food. For babies, the ideal meal is mother's milk.

What are the best medicines for angina?

Doctors in 99% of cases prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics, for example: Sumamed , Zinnat, Augmentin . The course of treatment is at least 5-7 days, but only the doctor determines the duration of the medication. Do not prescribe medicines yourself, trust the pediatrician.

High temperature in acute tonsillitis

Treatment of angina in infants includes the use of antipyretics, since the antibiotic begins its action only on the 2-3 day after the start of admission. Especially high temperature jumps are typical for a purulent type of disease, so the first three days should be given to the baby paracetamol or ibuprofen. For very young children preferable in the form of candles, and older children can drink syrups.

To quickly remove the plaque from the tonsils, which causes a rise in temperature, you need to rinse your throat. Usually this is possible from the age of 2 years. The most safe and effective rinse solution is salt, soda and a few drops of iodine. Also apply potassium permanganate, miramistin, hexoral, lyugol, various pharmaceutical sprays and tablets for resorption.

Of the folk remedies, with this disease, the juice of onions, broths of a camomile and a sage, морс from a dogwood, ground cranberries.

In any case, the best medicine for sore throat in each specific case is determined by the district pediatrician, based on their laboratory tests: the sick child is scraped from the tonsils, and recovers for the study. And only after revealing the nature of the disease, you can determine which medication in angina will help the child most quickly. But in practice it often happens that the result of analysis comes much later than the doctor gives the appointment, because Any delay with the beginning of treatment of the disease, can lead to undesirable complications.