Viral infection in children

Everyone knows that babies get sick often enough. Especially in the so-called adaptation periods, when children begin to attend pre-school educational institutions, kindergartens and other public places, as well as during the cold season. This phenomenon is due to immaturity of the immune system of a small organism or a temporary decrease in protective forces in the off-season.

Most often, the cause of the disease in children are various kinds of viral infections that are transmitted by airborne droplets, so that even a short-term contact with the carrier of the virus is sufficient to infect it. Therefore, if a child goes to a kindergarten, school, sports section, parents will inevitably have to face this disease. And in order to meet the disease fully armed, it is necessary to understand in advance what the first symptoms and basic principles of treatment of viral infection in children are.

The main signs of viral infection in children

To distinguish a virus from a common cold is not so difficult: first of all, when a virus infection is infected, the child has a high fever, and there can be no other clinical manifestations of the disease at first.

In addition, another of the first characteristic symptoms of a viral infection in children may be vomiting, weakness, apathy. Further events develop according to the following scenario: usually within five days a patient has a cough, runny nose, sore throat, hoarseness. However, one should not wait until the disease manifests itself to the full and immediately after raising the temperature it is better to call a doctor.

Because the treatment of a viral infection in children is much faster if taken in a timely manner.

First aid for the disease

If the parents initially have suspicions that their baby has contracted a viral infection, you need to try to increase his immunity with all his might. To do this, you can serve herbal teas, vitamin complexes. It is necessary to closely monitor the temperature, if it rises above 38 degrees, it is better to give antipyretic . Despite the fact that at an elevated temperature the body itself is struggling with infection, it is still better not to bring it to too high a mark. Also, a generous drink and a long sleep are recommended. More "heavy artillery" in the form of antiviral drugs or antibiotics is prescribed only by a doctor, after the final diagnosis was made.

Prevention of viral infections in children

Parents should understand that the first thing for prevention it is necessary to strengthen the defenses of the body, exclude contact with sick people, provide the child with proper care and care. It is worth noting that in an infant, the chances of catching a viral infection are slightly lower, because he is born with antibodies obtained in the womb through the placenta, and, after the birth, a newborn adopts immunity with breast milk. By the end of the first year of life the child has already developed enough immunity, and meeting with infections for him is less dangerous. In addition, kids are not so often in public places with a large crowd of people. However, it is impossible to completely exclude such a possibility.