Fiziminutka for children

If the babies are busy with some work that requires perseverance, then they need to distract themselves, to warm up and just to cheer themselves up. Charges are also good to do after sleep - they will allow children to cheer up, prepare them for fruitful deeds. Physical exercises in a game form can be carried out not only in the kindergarten, primary school, but also at home. In the article we will discuss how to conduct fun physical exercises for children.

There are wonderful exercises that are accompanied by reading children's rhymes. They will not only enhance the tone, encourage the kids, but also help develop their memory. Boys and girls well perceive exercises for vigorous music or a fun song. The main thing is that the kids really like it, then they will have a great mood, and they will happily engage in serious matters.

Remember that any child likes when adults together with them do the exercises. A great joy for kids is when such physs are held in children's groups.

Types of physical minutes

Let's consider how to organize a mini-gym for children with simple movements and poems.

Exercise 1

Kids should speak out loud and touch the head, hands and feet.

Oh, kachi, kachi, kachi,

In the heads of children kalachi,

In the hands - gingerbread,

At the feet of apples,

On the sides of candy,

Gold branches.

Exercise 2

Kids repeat all movements, which are spoken in the poem.

Once - they bent, they straightened up,

Two - rocked, stretched,

Three - in the palm of his hand three claps,

Head with three nods.

At four - hands wider,

Five and six - just sit down,

Seven and eight - laziness will be discarded.

But physs with songs for children must be thought through. Develop an acceptable for this age group of exercises. For kids 3-4 years you can offer such simple movements:

  1. We do some sit-ups.
  2. We move to the slopes in different directions. These exercises well form the posture.
  3. Then the kids walk on the spot.
  4. We connect a head: we press a chin to a breast, and then we throw a head back.
  5. Hands put on the shoulders and rotate back and forth - so we knead the muscles of the back muscles.
  6. Necessarily we connect jumps - after all kiddies always like active movements, especially under provocative music.
  7. In the end, we suggest that the kids do exercises for inhaling and exhaling - they will calm down and will be able to continue their business.

Of course, this is just one option - you can add other exercises. Fizimnutka should relieve fatigue, so it is important to consider what the children are currently doing. If they write or draw - then they get tired of the hands, respectively, during physical exercises we pay more attention to the pens.

You can use such exercises to relax the hands:

We connect the hands and raise the fingers in the sides, we make a flower. We close our fingers - it turned out a bud. Now we alternate the movements - "flower" and "bud".

We keep hands against each other and alternately we connect fingers, trying to press them more strongly. You can start with either your thumbs or your little fingers.

There are poetic exercises. During the reading of the verse, you must actively rotate each finger.

This finger is small - small-remote.

He wears an unnamed ring, never abandons him.

This finger is the longest and lives in the middle.

This is an index, the assistant is wonderful.

This finger - that's what it's called big.

For children of school age, who read a lot, you can offer a physical eye for the eyes. Without getting up from their places, the kids should look in different directions (we do not move the head at that), then draw a circle with our eyes, or write our name. Very good, when such exercises are accompanied by a poem.

Eyes see everything around,

I circle them around.

Eyes to see everything is given -

Here is the ceiling, the wall, the window.

I circle them around,

I'll look at the world around.

For young children will be interesting fizminutki, which take place in the form of games. Here is an example of a charging-imitation game:

Together we go to the forest (we go around in circles).

Together we will find berries (lean forward).

And collect the nuts (we go on socks).

Through the hole we jump: jump-skok (we jump from foot to foot).

The bear met us: top-top (we go in a circle and stomping in turns with legs).

Suddenly a fox ran and wagged its tail (we depict a fox's gait).

Then the little rabbit appeared: frightened, buried (we crouch - we cover our faces with our hands, get up - we open them).

We got a lot of berries - suddenly tired (breathing in and out, raising and lowering our hands).

We return home, together we live with you (get up in a circle and join hands).

And the house "Earth" is called, you and I love it! (pointing with your finger at the comrades and touching your chest with your palm)

Remember that the content of fizinutok for children must be changed every week, make them diverse. After all, the purpose of such exercises is to increase the kids' interest in sports, improve their health, and cheer them up.