Polyoxidonium for children

At the present time, complaints from parents are heard more and more often that a child is sick for a long time. This is due to weak immunity, which is not capable of providing worthy resistance to viruses and pathogens. In the fight against numerous diseases, an immunomodulating preparation of polyskididonium for children will come to the aid of a fragile child's organism.

The peculiarity of polyoxidonium, as an immunomodulating agent, is that it has a direct effect on the production of phagocytes and other protective cells by the body. The drug is produced in three dosage forms: tablets, powder, suppositories. For the treatment of children, polyoxidonium suppositories are the most widely used, as the most effective and quick-acting form. Candles of polyoxidonium can be used for children from the age of six months, thanks to their composition they do not give side effects and do not cause allergic reactions. The use of polyoxidonium stabilizes the condition in children, and the body, which has received additional strength to fight infections, quickly recovers.

Indications for prescribing polyoxidonium suppositories to children:


The dosage of polyoxidonium suppositories for children is determined on the basis of the weight of the child - for each kilogram of mass 0.2-0.25 mg. With a standard treatment, the suppositories are injected rectally after cleansing the bowel, the first three days daily, and then every 48 hours. If necessary, it is possible to repeat the course of treatment after 3 months.

Contraindication to the use of polyoxidonium is hypersensitivity to the drug, with caution appoint it in acute kidney failure.

It is possible to use polyoxidonium for children as part of complex therapy, it is compatible with all antiviral, antifungal and antihistamine drugs, antibiotics, bronchodilators.

Although polyoxidonium is very effective, it has no side effects, the scope of its application is very wide and it belongs to the group of OTC drugs, yet it is not worth giving it to a child without prescribing a doctor.