Symptoms of diabetes in children

There are two types of diabetes, the first - with dependence on insulin and the second - without it. These two diseases are often confused by the townsfolk, but, in fact, they are absolutely different diseases with different etiologies. So, type 2 diabetes occurs mainly in people of mature and elderly age, who are overweight and obese. Children are rare and, in fact, is a metabolic disorder. Diabetes of the first type is due to a genetic predisposition and consists in reducing the number of cells in the pancreatic islets responsible for the production of insulin, a hormone that is necessary for the breakdown of glucose in the body.

Diabetes mellitus in young children is one of the most common and severe endocrine diseases, most often children with diabetes are of the first type. In spite of the fact that the main cause of this disease is the presence of a corresponding gene in a child, an unfavorable heredity does not always mean that the disease will manifest itself. So, if the mother is sick with diabetes, the probability of transmitting diabetes to a child is 5-7%, if the father is sick - 7-9%. Even if both are sick, the probability that a sick child is born does not exceed 30%. The disease can be activated at any age, but most often it affects younger schoolchildren. If there is a predisposition, the development of the disease can be avoided by observing precautionary measures and, if possible, excluding provoking factors.

Factors contributing to the manifestation of diabetes in children:

How to determine diabetes mellitus?

Unfortunately, the expressed clinical signs of diabetes mellitus in children appear when the disease takes quite serious forms. Therefore, the paramount task of parents is to constantly monitor the child's condition, to know what the first signs of diabetes are, to alarm when there are suspicious symptoms. The main manifestation of the disease is an increase in blood sugar, but some symptoms can be seen with the naked eye before analysis.

How is diabetes in children:

Features of diabetes in children

The course of diabetes in children is similar to the course of this disease in adults, but it has its own characteristics. Formation of the pancreas responsible for the production of insulin, ends in about 5 years and it is at the age of 5 to 11 years the probability of developing diabetes is the highest.

In addition, the child's imperfect nervous system often fails, especially when reacting to stresses and weakening the general defenses of the body, which leads to the development of diseases.