Signs of rubella in children

Rubella is an acute viral disease, accompanied by an increase in temperature, the appearance of a small-spotted rash, a slight increase in lymph nodes (usually occipital and posterior). It is caused by the rubella virus, it is transmitted by airborne droplets from a sick person to a healthy person by direct contact, especially when coughing or sneezing. The virus is most active, that is, it is more likely to become infected, at the height of the disease, before the rash appears.

The causative agent is unstable in the external environment, instantly dies when heated to 56 ° C, when dried, under the influence of light and various kinds of disinfectants. Therefore, sometimes a single contact with a sick child is not enough for infection, and transmission of the virus through toys, clothes and third parties is not at all possible.

How does rubella appear in children?

Let us consider step by step how the rubella begins in children:

  1. The incubation period lasts from the moment the virus enters the body, before the first signs of rubella appear in children. As a rule, it lasts for 11-12 days and proceeds asymptomatically, but at this time the child is already contagious.
  2. The next stage is the appearance of a rash, it is represented by small red spots 3-5 mm in diameter, not towering above the surface of the skin. The spots disappear when pressed and do not tend to merge. After the appearance of the first rashes on the face, behind the ears and on the scalp for a day, the rash descends on the entire body. It is particularly pronounced in the region of the back and buttocks, as well as in the flexor-extensor sections of the arms and legs. At the same time there is an increase in temperature to 38 ° C, general weakness, pain in the muscles and joints. As a rule, cough, runny nose and conjunctivitis appear.
  3. The final stage of the disease. Exanthema (rash) disappears on day 3-5 and leaves no traces behind. The temperature returns to normal. However, the virus still remains in the body, and the child remains contagious for about a week.

Rubella in children under one year of age

As a rule, rubella in infants is not found, because they have acquired immunity, received from the mother. The exception is children with congenital rubella. If the mother has had it during pregnancy, the virus can be in the body of a baby up to two years.

Rubella in children - treatment

The body itself cope with the infection. Apply only symptomatic therapy (febrifuge, drops in the nose, etc.). Similarly, a sick child needs: bed rest, plenty of drink (preferably if it's a vitamin C-rich beverage) and a full meal.

Consequences of rubella in children

In most cases, rubella in children is without complications, which can not be said about adults. They are ill in severe form, and often the disease provokes negative consequences (inflammation of the brain envelopes, for example).

Prevention of rubella

To prevent the spread of infection, children are isolated up to the fifth day after the onset of the rash. To be afraid of infection is worth all those who have not had rubella before.

Especially terrible is the disease for pregnant women. In the early stages of pregnancy, rubella with a high degree of probability provokes serious malformations in the fetus. Causes cataract, deafness, heart disease, brain and spinal cord. And in later terms, it also leads to the appearance of a congenital rubella in a child.

Today, children are vaccinated against rubella for prevention. The vaccine is given intramuscularly or subcutaneously at 12 months and again at 6 years. Rubella in vaccinated children is not observed, immunity persists for more than 20 years.