Dampness in the apartment

Dampness in the apartment is the cause of allergic reactions, respiratory diseases, general weakening of the body. In addition, the smell of dampness in the apartment is very unpleasant and is poorly masked by fresheners or flavors. In rooms with a particularly high humidity level, mold walls and even clothes in closets are covered.

Why does the apartment show dampness?

The reasons for the appearance of dampness can be as follows:

  1. One of the main reasons for the appearance of dampness in a residential area is mistakes in the construction and finishing of premises, such as lack of ventilation or unfinished interstices.
  2. Sometimes flooding the basement can cause the appearance of dampness in the apartments on the first and second floors. With poorly functioning ventilation, dampness can "grab" higher floors.
  3. Incorrect installation of equipment in the house can cover the main ventilation ducts, which causes dampness in the apartments floors lower.
  4. In buildings with brick walls, the cause may be repair using airtight materials, for example, decorative ceilings. Vinyl wallpaper, inexpensive plastic windows with two or three double-glazed windows, cheap suspended ceilings - and the room is a hermetically sealed vessel with slowly accumulating moisture.

The reasons for increasing the humidity level will tell you how to get rid of the dampness of the house. To find out whether moisture penetrates from the outside or appears inside the apartment, it is possible with the help of an old method known to our grandfathers and grandmothers. To do this, it is necessary to tightly press a piece of flat glass against the wall for a while. If there are drops of water on the glass, then it penetrates from the outside, "seeping" through the walls.

Before you remove the dampness in the apartment, it is also useful to walk around the neighbors and find out if they have similar problems. If yes, then, most likely, there are mistakes in the finish of the house or during construction (including with ventilation system). If such problems are observed only in one apartment, then the reasons must be sought inside the apartment itself.

The answer to the question of how to remove dampness in the house can not be unambiguous. In panel houses, air is usually overdried and the appearance of dampness and mold more often indicates a leak in the water supply system. In a brick house, high humidity is a standard phenomenon, but at the same humidity level should not exceed 60%, should not contribute to the formation of mold. In a brick house it is better to use wooden windows, often to air an apartment, and it is necessary to include a hood in the kitchen during cooking.

How to remove the dampness in the apartment?

If the cause of the appearance of dampness can be eliminated by rearranging furniture, freeing ventilation waste or repairing properly, the problem is solved relatively quickly. In the event that the causes of dampness could not be clarified, and there is no desire to breathe heavy saturated air, one can use one of the following methods:

  1. Thermal appliances. Well dehumidify the air in the apartment heaters. A good option for the winter and cold apartments, but in a well-heated room an additional heat source can only bring harm.
  2. Air Dryer. These devices relieve the owners of problems with dampness quickly and efficiently. The only feature of the work is the uneven "drying" of air in the room. In the apartment house will have to install several appliances.
  3. Chemicals. Some companies produce means to reduce humidity with characteristic names, for example, "Stop moisture" from Henkel. Usually neither absorbent nor absorber of moisture.