How to remove the smell of urine from the carpet?

If in the house live animals or a small child, often wet puddles can get on the carpet, then emitting unpleasant odors. Consider how to remove the old smell of child or dog's urine from the carpet, because the excrement of animals is particularly sharp and persistent.

Elimination of the smell of urine from the carpet

It is best to detect the puddle immediately and wash it with a mixture of water and vinegar, diluted three to one. Acetic acid neutralizes ammonia, which is the main constituent element of urine. After that, it is recommended to cover the stain with soda, you can add carpet cleaner. Then wait for the full drying of the stain and take everything with a vacuum cleaner .

When the urine has dried, you need to make a solution of two tablespoons of dishwashing liquid and a glass of hydrogen peroxide . This solution needs to wash the stain with a brush, then treat the carpet with acetic water.

Against the urine of animals, practical soap is a practical soap - it includes glycerin, which perfectly dissolves urea. Grate the stain with a piece of soap or a soapy solution, leave for a while. After that, the stain is best treated with alcohol or vodka to eliminate the odor residue. Alcohol frightens off the dog, and she will no longer pay any attention to this place.

Citrus fruits are also often used to fight odors. You can prepare a solution of lemon juice with water in equal proportions. Then treat the stain, allow it to dry, rinse with clean water and vacuum.

To eliminate the effects of puddles on a light colored product, you need to apply bleach, which has chlorine. It should be diluted with water, soak the stain and rinse with soapy water. After this, the product can be vacuumed or ventilated several times in the fresh air.

In addition, for animals you need to buy a repeller in the form of a spray. They need to process all the places that the pet dirty. And for trays sold special attracting sprays, to teach the animal to go to your toilet.

Such simple tips will help to fight with unpleasant smells and stained floor coverings.

Now, the attentive hostess knows how to remove the smell of child or dog's urine from the carpet, and do not run every time after an unpleasant incident in dry cleaning. To do this, you just need to use the improvised tools and your knowledge and the carpet will return to its original state.