Kronborg Castle

At the very entrance to the Baltic Sea, on the small promontory that separates Denmark from Sweden, stands Kronborg Castle. It is also known as the site of William Shakespeare's tragedy "Hamlet". This structure was built in the middle of the 16th century, to control navigation in the Straits of Øresund, which connects the Baltic Sea with the North Sea.

Now Kronborg is one of the most interesting historical sites in Denmark , where many tourists try to get to.

What did the castle become famous for?

In the Middle Ages, the fortress of Kronborg was a symbol of the authority and powerful influence of the Danish crown. In this place, ships for the payment of tax duties were delayed, thanks to which the royal treasury was continuously replenished. On these incomes, King Frederick II decided to improve the fortress and turn it into a castle of the Renaissance. For safety, high earthen ramparts were built around it.

In 1629 Kronborg Castle in Denmark was devastated by a violent fire. But the son of Frederick II, Christian IV, was able to organize works on its restoration, which he paid out of his own money.

Kronborg is famous for the fact that it was the events described in the immortal tragedy of William Shakespeare's Hamlet, although it is not exactly known. The tradition has already been established for a long time: every year many theater companies come to Ivanovo to visit the castle of Hamlet Kronborg. They present to the audience the original productions of their vision of this legendary work.

Kronborg Castle is also famous for the legend of Holger the Dane, whose stone statue is in deep catacombs. His story is very interesting to tell local guides.

The most interesting places in the castle

For visits to the castle of Hamlet Kronborg was opened in the early 20th century. On the way to the entrance you can meet swans and ducks peacefully floating in the canals formed by the embankment.

Its interior decoration is more ascetic than luxurious. Each corner is well lit by light, penetrating through the numerous high windows from floor to ceiling. Thanks to this, you can thoroughly examine the most interesting places in one of the Danish castles . It:

It will be very interesting to descend into the dungeons and catacombs of the castle of Kromborg in Denmark, from where, according to eyewitnesses, voices from the past are still heard.

Also in the building there are a number of museums:

How to get to the castle?

Getting to the city of Elsinore, where Kromborg is located, from the capital of Denmark Copenhagen is quite simple. It is necessary to take a train to one of the electric trains that run every 20 minutes, starting at 4 hours 50 minutes in the morning and up to 24.40 pm (the rest of the time they go every hour). The train goes to the place 45 minutes without a transfer.

The electric train stops at the station of Elsinore. From it to the castle Kronborg 15 minutes walk. There is no need to hurry, along the way there are many other sights worthy of attention. Also on the island you can get to the sea via the Swedish city of Helsingborg. From there a ferry goes daily, from which a beautiful landscape of the coast opens with the majestic building of the mysterious Kronborg on it.