Hydrocephalus in newborns

To date, one of the most common diagnoses of childhood neurologists is "hypertensive-hydrocephalic syndrome" or, simply, hydrocephalus. In the vast majority of cases, the child does not need treatment with medications, since there is excessive diagnosis. And yet, parents need to understand the essence of the concept of "brain hydrocephalus in newborns", as well as strengthen the control of child development.

What is hydrocephalus and why does it occur?

In people, hydrocephalus is called a dropsy of the brain, and it is a serious disease. This disease is associated with an increase in the volume of cerebrospinal fluid, which protects the human brain from damage. At the kid, suffering from dropsy, its quantity increases many times.

The causes of hydrocephalus depend largely on the age of the child.

1. Causes of hydrocephalus in the fetus:

2. Causes of hydrocephalus in newborns:

3. Causes of hydrocephalus in children 1-2 years and older:

The most characteristic symptom of hydrocephalus in newborns is the outstripping growth of the head circumference, which leads to a well-defined visually hydrocephalic shape of the skull. This skull is greatly increased in volume. In addition, a sign of hydrocephalus in newborns is a taut swelling fontanelle, a shift in the eyeballs to the bottom and frequent head tilt. In places where the bones of the skull grow together, pulsating protrusions of a rounded shape may form. Often there are nystagmus (involuntary vibrational frequent movements of the eyes), strabismus. Occasionally, hearing and vision decrease, headaches and nausea are noted.

Treatment of hydrocephalus in newborns.

In the treatment of external hydrocephalus in newborns, various surgical and medicament methods are used. In premature infants without obvious signs of progressive hydrocephalus, but with hemorrhages, diuretics are widely used. They are designed to increase the rate of urine formation, thereby reducing the fluid content in tissues and serous cavities. This method is effective only if sanation of the liquor and restoration of normal absorption are possible. With it, you can stabilize intracranial pressure, as well as the value of the ventricles in 50% of patients under the age of one year. But the use of diuretics is justified only when there are no signs of increased intracranial pressure and the excretory function of the kidneys functions well.

It is also possible to use drugs that promote the excretion of sodium from the body. This increases diuresis and reduces the production of cerebrospinal fluid.

Surgical treatment is carried out for normalization of intracranial pressure, optimization of brain function. Unfortunately, here there are inflammatory complications, hyperdrilling and dysfunction of drainage systems.

Parents of a sick kid should remember that the prognosis for hydrocephalus depends on the time of diagnosis, the cause of the disease and adequately selected treatment. Children who have undergone a course of treatment are able to live a normal life practically without any restrictions. Occasionally, there may be a violation of the speech function. The surgical method of treatment sometimes requires reinstallation of the shunt.

In order to prevent hydrocephalus of newborns, it is strongly recommended to avoid infectious diseases and medication taking by a future mother, to do scheduled ultrasound.