The child fell out of bed

Parents often perceive infants as nothing at all able toddlers. However, every minute they study the world and the possibilities of their own body. It is for this reason that all books on education and older generations of relatives recommend not to leave babies unattended for a minute. If the mother looks after the baby one, unfortunately, not always she manages to follow him, and cases of falling of children from height are not uncommon. About what to do if the child has fallen from a changing table, from a stroller or crib, we will tell in this article.

What is the danger of falling?

The physiological structure of the child is such that the baby's head is larger than the rest of the body in proportion to weight. It is for this reason that most of the falls result in head shocks. The softness of the bones of the skull, their mobility and the small amount of liquid that protects the brain are factors that increase the risk of serious injuries.

What if the young child falls off the bed?

So, suppose that the infant falls off the bed. In this situation, mother first of all needs to maintain self-control. Any panic in these minutes can aggravate the state of the baby.

Being in a calm state, mother should go to the baby and examine it. If there is no visible damage, and the child calms down after a short cry, it is necessary to observe it for several hours. In the absence of additional symptoms, there is no cause for concern, but within the next few days it is worth to go to the doctor's appointment.

Symptoms of more serious consequences from falling may be different, depending on the strength and nature of the stroke.

Cones and abrasions

If a child falls headfirst, and after falling, his mother discovered abrasions, they should be treated with peroxide solution. To reduce the appearance of cones on the head of a child , ice should be applied to the bruised place, wrapped in a towel or a cold object. In the absence of other signs of a change in the condition of the baby, it is not necessary to take any action other than visiting a specialist in the coming days.

Particular attention should be paid to the child if he fell to the back of the head. Since the base of the skull is concentrated vital neural centers, any damage can affect in the future, for example, on vision.


Concussion is a moderate in severity of trauma, for a child who has fallen from a height. Symptoms of this condition appear gradually and depending on the individual reaction of the child's body. Characteristic are bruises under the eyes, lethargy and apathy. Headaches and tinnitus are also common. If a child falls and fainted, this may be a sign of a severe concussion. Later, he may have vomiting. In such cases, the child urgently needs to be hospitalized. It should be borne in mind that a month-old child who has fallen from a height, loss of consciousness - this is a very rare phenomenon. Pay attention to the appetite and general condition of the baby.

Brain Injury

It is necessary to observe the child's condition, because some injuries, for example, brain contusion, can not appear immediately. For example, if an infant falls off a couch and sustains such a trauma, for a period of time it can behave as usual. After time on the head there is a bump, with a slight pressure on which you can feel the accumulation of fluid. This is the bruise of the brain.

Also, contusion can be characterized by loss of consciousness for a long period of time, a violation of the heartbeat or breathing and vomiting.

A child with such a trauma requires urgent hospitalization. If it is unconscious, turn it on its side to avoid the risk of vomiting in the respiratory tract.

Open craniocerebral trauma

For an open craniocerebral injury, children are characterized by cracks and dents with a violation of the integrity of the skull. If this happens, promptly call an ambulance.