Furunculum - Causes

Furuncles are an unpleasant problem that can occur in adults and children. Of course, furuncles do not represent a particular danger, but from an aesthetic point of view they seem out of the ordinary. It is not difficult to prevent the appearance of painful pustules, knowing the main causes of furuncle formation.

What is a boil?

Externally, the boil is very much like a pimple. It is a small tubercle that can appear on almost any part of the body. Because it is an inflammation of the hair bulbs, on the palms and feet of the abscesses can not form.

Like a pimple, a boil can be painful, but the pain is usually more severe. The causes of boils may be Staphylococcus and Streptococcus viruses. While the pustule does not open, it will remain painful.

Mostly on the body appears one or a couple of boils. A large number of pustules is the main sign of furunculosis .

The causes of boils on the body

Boils are formed when the bacteria enters the hair follicle. It is generally believed that chiria appears after hypothermia. This is true, but hypothermia is by no means the only reason for the appearance of boils. Most often, pustules develop in the spring, when the body is weakened and only begins to return to normal.

And the problem arises in the following cases:

  1. A weak immune system can not properly fight bacteria. Therefore, if furuncles appear often enough - the reason is in poor immunity.
  2. Another reason is the lack of vitamins.
  3. To the formation of boils predisposed is oily skin. Sometimes the problem occurs in people with impaired metabolism .
  4. The cause of furuncles on the body may be problems with the nervous system. People working without days off, not having a rest fully, often subjected to stress and nervous strains, boils appear with unenviable persistence.
  5. Sometimes pustules are formed due to the penetration of bacteria through the wound. Therefore, even the most inconspicuous scratches and abrasions must be treated.
  6. Furuncles appear not only after hypothermia. In some people, the organism reacts to overheating by the formation of chiriev.
  7. It also happens that the cause of the formation of boils is the transferred infection.

To boil the boil as quickly as possible, you can use special tools that draw pus. Extrude chiri can not be in any way!