How many years does menopause begin?

Until recently, not only in society, but also among doctors and their patients, the situation developed that women, having reached the appropriate age, had to cope independently with the symptoms of menopausal syndrome . Only a few ladies occasionally consulted, overcoming embarrassment, with the treating gynecologist, and more often - asked advice from girlfriends. But today the situation has radically changed: medicine has reached a new level of development, and in printed sources, a lot of information has appeared on how many years the climax begins and how best to survive its offensive.

About menopause in general

First and foremost, it should be noted that menopause is not a disease, but quite a normal state of the organism, to which sooner or later every woman comes. Some lucky people do not notice the symptoms of the climatic syndrome at all, while others suffer from:

With the onset of menopause in the female body, estrogen levels fall, the ovaries cease to produce eggs, menstruation stops. It is worth noting that all the changes are not instantaneous - there are several periods, so it's hard to say exactly how many years the climax begins.

Mean age at onset of menopause

There is no specific age in which the climax begins, in medicine. There are certain average norms that women should be guided by, waiting for the withering of their childbearing function. The spread between the minimum and maximum "normal" climacteric age reaches almost 10 years. This is approximately 45 to 55 years. But if a woman has experienced stress, has a sexual system, suffers from hormonal imbalances and leads an unhealthy lifestyle, menopause may occur as early as 40 years.

If a woman by nature has depleted ovaries or the entire female half of the family suffers from the early onset of hot flashes , the probability of expecting symptoms of menopause much earlier than the "average" age is high. The reverse is also true: grandmothers and mothers can inherit "childbearing longevity".

In addition to genetics, individual characteristics and lifestyle, successful pregnancies and childbirth, prolonged breastfeeding, a full sexual life and, in general, the woman's health, affect the period of menopause: general, sexual, psychological.

Regardless of the age at which menopause begins, nowadays medicine offers a lot of opportunities to minimize unpleasant symptoms and even "shift" the end time of the childbearing period. In order to ease the condition during the onset of menopause, a woman is recommended: