Why are your hands cold?

"Froggy" hands are a problem for many women. Yes, yes, women - according to statistics, the diagnosis of "merzlyak" is often made by relatives and friends precisely to women. Are cold hands a sign of "cold-bloodedness," or is there any reason to start worrying about one's health?

Constantly cold hands - is this normal?

Firstly, let us dwell in greater detail on why the "froggy" syndrome is most often posed to girls and women. It has been scientifically proven that the body's thermoregulation in the fair sex is much weaker than in men. Therefore, the girls very often have to ask their defenders to protect them not only from some real problems, but also from the cold.

Secondly, there are several explanations for why the hands are cold. The most innocuous is an inappropriate wardrobe. Why should I go around and around: the winter clothes are bulky, baggy and not as attractive as the summer or at worst demi-season. Because of this, the girls very often, neglecting the laws of nature, dress according to the state of the soul, and not according to the weather.

Another question: why the hands are always cold, even when the wardrobe is matched for the season. In fact, cold hands can indicate various diseases that require professional treatment.

What is the cause of cold hands?

There are many explanations for cold hands constantly, starting with banal - wrong nutrition, ending with serious problems with the cardiovascular system. The main explanations for why the hands are cold, look like this:

  1. A debilitating diet can contribute to "cold" hands. With a shortage of useful elements, the body begins to function half-heartedly. First of all, the legs and hands suffer. After a little diet, you can return the heat to your limbs.
  2. VSD - vegetative vascular dystonia . Cold hands can also be triggered by disturbances in the work of the nervous system. With vegetovascular dystonia, even a phenomenon can occur when one hand becomes cold and the other remains warm at the same time.
  3. The cause of cold hands can be diabetes . This disease in the early stages can manifest itself in this way.
  4. Osteochondrosis. This scourge of modernity - it turns out, too, can be the cause of constantly cold hands. Because of the curved spine, blood circulation may be disturbed. Blood comes into the hands in insufficient quantities - that's the explanation of the eternally cold fingers.

As you can see, jokes are jokes, and constantly cold hands can be a real problem. If even in forty-degree heat your hands freeze, then you need to seek help from a doctor as soon as possible - most likely, the trouble is not that love does not warm you ...

How to treat cold hands?

Having dealt with why a person can have cold hands, one must understand what to do with this misfortune. If you immediately go to the doctor really do not want to, you can try a more loyal way - to change a little way of life:

  1. Quit smoking (if smoking).
  2. Start playing sports (to start a light morning exercise will be sufficient).
  3. Revise your diet, make it more nutritious and balanced.
  4. Tight and synthetic clothes and shoes prefer something natural and comfortable.

In addition, you can try to drink sedative teas (in case the problem lies in the disorders of the nervous system).

If all this does not help, then - the question of why the hands are always cold, remains open, and only the professional can make the situation clear after a comprehensive survey.