Sour-milk mixtures for newborns

Sometimes, for some reason or another, a mother can not provide a newborn baby with natural breast milk. In this case, the baby is transferred to artificial feeding. Often, pediatricians recommend the use of the birth of fermented milk.

Why do I need a sour milk mixture for newborns?

Often, use of fermented milk is recommended for frequent regurgitation of an infant. A similar mixture is quickly digested in the stomach and passes into the intestine. The protein molecules in the fermented milk mixtures are partially cleaved, which explains the ease of assimilation of the product. In addition, a sour-milk mixture from birth is recommended for children with insufficient digestive enzymes, as well as with allergic skin rashes. The mixture itself is not a hypoallergenic product, but allergic reactions provoke very rarely.

Live lactic acid bacteria serve as an obstacle for the propagation in the intestine of pathogenic microorganisms and increase the level of beneficial bacteria, and also reduce the formation of gas. That is why, the use of a sour-milk mixture is recommended for children with dysbacteriosis, intestinal colic, frequent diarrhea and during rehabilitation after the transferred diseases associated with intestinal infections. Sour-milk mixtures have another significant advantage over standard food: iron contained in this product is digested much faster than from conventional mixtures. In this regard, a sour-milk mixture is prescribed for children with anemia.

How to enter a fermented milk mixture?

Usually, the sour-milk mixture is used in a 1: 1 ratio to a standard, sweetened mixture. How to give a sour-milk mixture for children, is decided in each case individually according to the medical indications and physiology of the child. The replacement is carried out gradually, starting with 10 - 20 ml with each feeding. Next, the child is fed with the usual mixture for him. The volume of the new product is increased daily, replacing one food in 2 to 3 days. If the problem stops disturbing the baby, further increase in the volume of the sour-milk mixture can be stopped.

Currently, there are both ready-made and dry sour-milk mixtures for newborns. Dry mixes before consumption are diluted with water, preferably specially created for use in infant food.

To translate the child only on sour-milk mixes does not follow, as the risk of disturbance of acid-base balance and normal functioning of intestines is high. Before applying the sour-milk mixture, you need to make sure that there is no allergic reaction.

Adapted sour-milk mixtures

Among a wide choice of fermented milk products, the best adapted are mixtures, as they are as close to their chemical composition as possible to human breast milk. Producers of infant formulas tried to adjust the quality of protein, enrich the food with the necessary vitamins and minerals, adding for the benefit of bifidobacteria. Even in dry mixtures, milk bacteria retain their properties and activity. Adapted mixtures differ in composition from ready fermented milk. Often, they are recommended for feeding newborn babies without supplementing them with standard nutrition.

Which baby sour-milk mixture is better, ready, dry or adapted, it is difficult to solve. Everything depends on the medical indications, as well as the individual preferences of the small gourmet.