Low sperm motility

Often, when establishing the cause of male infertility, the representatives of the stronger sex experience such a conclusion as small, or low mobility of spermatozoa. In medicine, this phenomenon was called astenozoospermia. It is this diagnosis is the 2 nd place among the causes of infertility in men. Consider this violation in more detail, and we will dwell in detail on what determines such a parameter as the mobility of spermatozoa.

How is the mobility of male germ cells assessed?

To begin with, it must be said that this parameter is established by carrying out a spermogram. With this study, experts establish a so-called class of sperm motility.

All there are 4 classes, each of which is denoted by the letter of the Latin alphabet:

What causes a decrease in sperm motility?

It should be noted that many factors affect this indicator. Therefore, the task of physicians before the appointment of therapy is to correctly determine the cause of the violation in a particular case.

Speaking about the poor mobility of spermatozoa, experts most often identify the following factors that have a negative impact on this parameter:

What are the degrees of the violation committed?

The mobility of spermatozoa can be reduced in different ways. That is why when assessing the quality of male ejaculate physicians use, the so-called degree of impaired mobility of spermatozoa.

  1. So, at the first degree after sperm collection, after an hour, about half of the germ cells retain their mobility. At the same time they say that the violation is weakly expressed, the probability of conception is high. It should be noted that in normal sperm motility should be 75% or more.
  2. At the second degree, - a moderate form of disorder, after 1 hour after ejaculation, immobile 50-70% of spermatozoa remain immobile.
  3. If the form of the disorder is severe, - the third degree of asthenozoospermia, more than 70% of spermatozoa lose the ability to move 60 minutes after ejaculation. In some situations, zero motility of spermatozoa can be noted, which indicates infertility.