Analysis of the ejaculate

The analysis of ejaculate is one of those laboratory studies, without which the diagnosis of infertility causes in men is not complete. It is with the help of it that you can establish the characteristics of the morphology of male sex cells, compare them with the norm, and evaluate the motility of spermatozoa. As a rule, these factors play a decisive role in the process of fertilization and have a direct impact on conception.

What parameters are taken into account when deciphering the analysis of the ejaculate (spermogram) according to Kruger?

In carrying out this type of study, assess:

  1. The volume of ejaculate released during ejaculation (in norm 2-10 ml).
  2. Time of liquefaction. The sperm viscosity is evaluated. So, normally it should change its consistency in the interval of 10-40 minutes. The increase in this time indicator indicates problems in the work of the prostate gland.
  3. The color of the ejaculate is also evaluated by specialists. Normally it is opaque, whitish in color. The appearance of a pink color indicates the presence of red blood cells in it.
  4. Acidity, plays an important role in determining the localization of foci of the inflammatory process in the reproductive system in men. Normally, it should be 7.2-7.4 pH. If this index is exceeded, as a rule, inflammation of the prostate is noted, a decrease indicates a possible blockage of the ducts that produce seminal fluid.
  5. The number of spermatozoa in the sample is one of the main parameters. Normally, in 1 ml of them should be present from 20 to 60 million.
  6. The mobility of spermatozoa is most important in the process of fertilization and further conception. When evaluating this parameter, the active, weakly active and immobile gametes are counted.

When performing the analysis of the ejaculate, these parameters are compared with the norm, after which a conclusion is made about the possible reason for the lack of fertility.

What is the biochemical analysis of the ejaculate?

The complex of surveys of the male seed is not complete without this analysis. At the same time, the content in sperm of substances such as citric acid, protein, acrosin, fructose is estimated. This study is isolated and is assigned to assess the work of the male genital glands, the general hormonal state, helping to establish the cause of infertility.

What is the purpose of the bacteriological analysis of the ejaculate?

This study is designed to identify those pathogenic microorganisms that interfere with the normal development of germ cells. Such an analysis presupposes the sowing of a sample of ejaculate and is assigned with: