Gynecological massage

Gynecological massage is a physiological method of action, which has a health-enhancing effect on the entire body of a woman, and not only on certain organs.

In 1861 gynecological massage was proposed by Toure Brandt as a method of treatment of female diseases, and by the beginning of the 20th century it had become widely used to treat diseases of female genital organs.

For greater efficiency gynecological massage is used in conjunction with methods of physiotherapy, such as laser, magnetic, infrared, ultrasound, etc.

Indications for gynecological massage:

1. Various inflammations of the uterus and peri-endopathy, inflammation of the peritoneum, which covers the internal genital organs, which provoke pain in the sacrum and coccyx, as well as the pain arising in the premenstrual period in the region of the uterus and ovaries.

Such disorders often lead to changes in the menstrual cycle, congestion in the pelvis, hypersecretion and other symptoms of chronic inflammation of the uterus. When prescribing therapeutic gynecological massage and physiotherapy procedures, it is necessary to follow the reaction of the organism from the first days of their carrying out.

Chronic inflammation of the uterus can lead to a shift or change in the position of the uterus. This process is often accompanied by unpleasant painful sensations with various symptoms, and can serve as the beginning of more severe pathological changes. If such symptoms appear, you should immediately contact a specialist who will conduct an examination and prescribe the necessary course of treatment.

2. Congenital pathologies of genital organs, pathologies associated with abortions, complications resulting from pathological births, neglected inflammation of the uterus.

One of the severe forms of anatomical and functional disorders of the uterus and ovaries is amenorrhea, often leading to infertility. This form of pathology is effectively treated with a therapeutic gynecological massage combined with other treatments.

3. Fibrosis of the uterus. Salpingitis.

Long-term congestion in the uterus, associated with pre-existing inflammation or hormonal disorders, may be the cause of salpingitis. Such conditions lead to the fullness of the pelvic organs, vascular dystonia and muscular hypotension of the uterus.

Applying special techniques of gynecological massage, by mechanical and reflex action on the vascular and muscular system of the genital organs, blood circulation is activated, lymph flow is intensified, as a result of which stagnant phenomena are successfully eliminated.

4. Post-abortion rehabilitation.

Gynecological massage is performed for women who have suffered abortion or pathological births in order to prevent possible complications. Conducting a preventive gynecological massage is aimed at improving the generative and menstrual function to prevent stagnant phenomena, fibromatosis of the uterus and varicose veins of the small pelvis.

5. Painful menstruation and menstrual irregularity.

In this case, gynecological massage is necessary for women who have problems with menstruation. Also gynecological massage is recommended to prevent possible diseases of genital organs in the form of preventive courses several times a year in small sessions.

Contraindications to gynecological massage:

How to do gynecological massage?

The technique of gynecological massage consists of stroking, pressing, and stretching of soft tissues. The degree and strength of the impact is determined strictly individually, taking into account the indications and symptoms of the organs being subjected to the massage.

In the massage are used both hands of the masseur, one of which is inserted into the vagina, and the second hand is placed in the abdominal wall area. Usually the fingers of the inner hand perform targeted movements to raise and fix the uterus.

Gynecologic massage increases the tone of the abdominal and pelvic tissues, which improves the general condition of the sick woman.