Hypoplasia of the uterus 1 degree

Hypoplasia of the uterus 1 degree means that the uterus does not correspond to the age dimension. That is, the size of the organ is smaller than it should be in the norm. In this case, the main function of the uterus is difficult.

Causes and manifestations

The main cause of hypoplasia is a violation of the hormonal balance. And different situations can lead to this, such as frequent infectious diseases, neuropsychological and physical overstrain, intoxications by various substances. Congenital insufficiency of the hypothalamic-pituitary system and ovaries is also not excluded. And this is accompanied by a deficiency of the corresponding hormones. Hypoplasia of the uterine body of the 1st degree is accompanied by a decrease in the size of the cervix. Clinically, this condition is manifested by the following symptoms:

  1. Violations of the menstrual cycle.
  2. Algodismenorea .
  3. In adolescence, the rate of general development of the body lags behind.
  4. Caution should be the absence or slow appearance of secondary sexual characteristics in adolescence, as well as the later onset of menstruation.
  5. Inability to become pregnant, since there is practically no uterine cavity.

By the degree of decrease in the size of the organ, three degrees of uterine hypoplasia are distinguished, these are:

Degree means not only how much the size of the uterus is different from the norm, but also at what stage of formation the women's organisms have failed.

Diagnosis of uterine hypoplasia

To suspect a hypoplasia of a uterus of the first degree the usual gynecological survey will help. Also, typical signs of insufficiency of female hormones often appear (underdevelopment of secondary sexual characteristics). Diagnosis of this condition helps ultrasound of internal genital organs. Echographic signs of uterine hypoplasia include:

Basic principles of treatment

Treatment for hypoplasia of the uterus 1 degree should be timely. After all, there are problems with the bearing of pregnancy in the future. When detecting uterine hypoplasia, hormonal therapy is necessary, which will stimulate the growth of the uterus. Additionally, treatment aimed at improving blood circulation in the uterus is indicated. Such effect is possessed by the following physiotherapeutic procedures: