Hypertonus in a child - all causes and best treatment

During the first months of life, children may experience various pathologies, for example, hypertension in a child. If the problem is short-term, it is not serious, but if the muscle tension persists for a long time, it is important to consult a doctor and start treatment so as not to aggravate the condition.

What is this hypertonus?

This term is understood as a violation of the muscle tone, which is expressed in the overstrain of the muscles. A similar problem indicates the presence of certain disorders of the nervous system. It is worth noting that the increased muscle tone in a child is a common deviation, which is observed in almost all newborns, and all because of the prolonged presence of the baby in the embryo posture in the womb. Hypertonus can be complete, cover both the arms and legs or extend only to the upper or lower limbs.

There are certain tests that help the doctor diagnose the problem. They can be used for home control:

  1. Reflex walking. While the baby is in the upright position, he tries to take steps. If the child's hypertonicity is absent, then this ability disappears after reaching the age of 2 months.
  2. Symmetry of reflexes. Put the child on his back and press his chin to his chest. After this, you need to observe the limbs: the upper should bend, and the lower ones - to unbend. If the head is tilted to the right, the limbs that are on this side should straighten, and on the other - become strained. When you tilt to the left, everything is the other way round. When everything is normal, this reflex disappears after three months.
  3. Ability to tone. Put the baby on his stomach, and he must at the same time press his limbs. When lying on the back, there is relaxation of the arms and legs. This ability disappears after three months.
  4. The child is placed on the hand face down. While in this position, there should be a contraction of the hands and relaxation of the legs. Under normal conditions, the head and back will be stretched in one line.

Hypertonus - Causes

There are a number of reasons that can trigger muscle tension in children:

  1. The presence of diseases associated with the endocrine and cardiovascular system during pregnancy.
  2. Hypertension of muscles in a child can be caused by chromosomal abnormalities and congenital diseases.
  3. Injuries received at birth, or expressed intrauterine hypoxia .
  4. Deviations in development and defects of the brain and spinal cord.
  5. Finding a pregnant woman in a stressful state during the first period and a bad ecological situation.
  6. Severe toxicosis during the first or last trimester, as well as smoking and drinking during pregnancy, which could lead to intoxication.
  7. Hypertension in a child can be caused by infectious diseases, for example, meningitis and encephalitis, and even injuries.

Hypertonus in children under one year of age

Most of all the tension in the muscles is noticeable in the first month of life. It is important to understand that if a child is older than a month, while on his stomach, turns his head in different directions, and tries to crawl with his legs, this is not pathology, but evidence of his normal development. It is not a symptom of hypertension and a baby's desire to often keep his head. If the parents properly take care of their child, follow all the prescriptions, then the increased muscle tone in the baby should pass, and by half the problem in most cases completely disappears. Otherwise, always consult a doctor.

Hypertonus in children after 1 year

If the parents did not take steps to remove the muscle tension from the baby, the situation will only worsen. After a year the child will begin to try to walk and with this he will have problems. By three years, deviations are expressed in walking on tiptoes and breaking the fine motor skills of the hands. Muscular hypertension in children by the age of five can cause many problems, for example, developmental lag, and more difficult situations can even be identified with disability.

How to determine the hypertonicity of a child?

Parents should closely monitor the condition of the child to determine the symptoms of muscle tension in time, as they can be an indication of a serious neurological disease.

  1. The baby sleeps a little and restlessly, and when he is on his back, he presses his arms and legs.
  2. During crying, the child throws back his head and bends violently. In addition, there is jitter in the chin.
  3. Describing the symptoms of hypertension in a child, it is worth mentioning the frequent regurgitation and painful reaction to various stimuli, for example, light and sound.
  4. Until the month, the child is already holding his head and this is not a sign of rapid development, but a symptom of muscle tension, which causes him to bend his neck and back forward.

Hypertonus of the legs in a child

If the baby's legs are often bent, and when you try to dissolve you feel a strong tension and the baby cries, then this is a bad sign. Hypertonus of the legs in the child is manifested in the fact that during the formation of the baby on the legs, it rests not on the full foot, but on the socks. If nothing is done, the situation will be aggravated and this will affect the rate of development of motor activity. Children begin to crawl and walk later. In the presence of hypertension legs categorically contraindicated walkers and jumpers, as they will increase muscle tension.

Hypertonus of the child's hands

The problem in the hands is expressed in the fact that the baby often presses them to the chest, and when the extremities are diluted, resistance will be observed. Describing the signs of hypertension in newborns, it is worth mentioning one more symptom - the hands are constantly clamped into the fists. In most cases, such symptoms are observed with a physiological hypertonia, that is, the problem must pass. If muscle tension persists for a long time. Then you need to see a doctor to start treatment.

Hypertension of the tongue in the child

In some cases, there is a muscular tension of articulatory muscles: tongue, lips, palate and facial muscles. To determine whether the child's tongue is raised or not, ask him to open his mouth and if there is a problem, the tongue will move back and become a "mountain" or, alternatively, stretch forward. If the tension in the mouth and lips area, they tightly close, and there will be difficulty in opening the mouth. When the tone of the upper lip is raised, the mouth will be slightly opened and there will be increased salivation.

What should I do if my child has an increased tonus?

If any unpleasant symptoms are detected, it is necessary to consult a doctor to determine the exact diagnosis. Parents should take seriously the task of normalizing the functioning of the nervous system. Treatment of hypertension in newborns is simple and can include relaxing massage , gymnastics, soothing baths, aromatherapy and physiotherapy. Specific and suitable for the child procedure is determined only by the doctor after the examination.

How to remove hypertension in a child?

For stimulation of motor activity and normalization of muscular work, it is recommended to use gymnastics. Important regularity of training and doing exercises can be even several times during the day. Gymnastics should not cause discomfort in the baby. If a hypertone is found in a child, then such exercises will help:

  1. Put the baby on your back and start with relaxing massage movements. After this smoothly without sudden movements unbend limbs, and then shake them, taking the child by the fingers.
  2. If there is an increased tonus in the child, then the familiar position of the embryo will help. For this, the legs and the pectoral babies bend and press firmly against the body. It is recommended to alternate this exercise with shaking of the limbs.
  3. The child is held in an upright position so that his feet touch the floor, and they should lie evenly over the entire surface. Guide it so that the legs perform slip steps.
  4. Place the baby's belly on the ball, which should not be too large. Shake it in different directions, holding it by the handles and legs.

Massage with hypertension of muscles in a child

There are different types of massage, the main purpose of which is to relax the muscle tension and remove the spasm. It is important to choose gentle methods that take into account the age and anatomical features of the child. Massage from hypertension in a child is better to entrust to a professional, but if there is no such possibility, then you can do it yourself, but after consulting a doctor. The course should include 10-15 sessions and, if necessary, repeat it after a month. You can independently carry out such movements:

  1. Stroking fingers on the arm and leg. Movements will be similar to those as when putting on gloves.
  2. Stroking, moving from the shoulder joint to the palm. It is important during this to skip the zone of the ulnar fold.
  3. Stroking the hips, legs and feet, but gently to work on the zone of knee joints, groin and inner thighs.
  4. Rubbing with circular movements of lower and upper extremities, back and abdomen. It is important to do this after stroking.
  5. As for the feet, the movement should be made from the heel to the toes. Another movement is drawing a figure-eight on the foot, beginning with the base of the fingers, crossing at the center and ending at the heel.