Love to the grave: 10 animals that die right after mating

In the animal world, such love tragedies happen that Shakespeare did not even dream ...

It turns out that for many animals love games end in death. Our collection presents shocking facts about this murderous love.


The mantis boy literally loses his head from love. After sexual intercourse the female mercilessly bites off her partner's head, and in some cases it happens even during intercourse. Such cruelty is explained by the need of the female in the protein, which is necessary for the normal development of eggs and hatching of healthy young. However, it is difficult to call this lady a good mother. Barely born, her children are forced to flee from the bloodthirsty mother to escape, otherwise they are destined for the fate of his father ....

Spiders M. sociabilis

The male spider M. sociabilis dies right during mating, and his sexual organ remains in the body of the female and henceforth acts as a "fidelity belt", preventing the lady from communicating with other males.

Marsupial mice

Males of Australian marsupial mice do not live up to a year. They appear in the light in the autumn, and in summer they already enter into an "adult" life, which turns out to be very stormy and fleeting. The males seem to break "off the reels": they tend to mate with the maximum number of females, and the sexual acts of some couples sometimes last for 12-14 hours. During this sex marathon male fully focuses on the continuation of the genus and completely forgets about food and sleep. Not surprisingly, after such violent sexual adventures, the body of males quickly becomes exhausted, and they all die very quickly.

Northern marsupial marten

Like marsupial mice, mice of marsupial martens mate to exhaustion and die right after the end of the mating season. At the same time with females they behave very aggressively and it happens that during the love games even kill them.

Spider "The Black Widow"

The name of this poisonous spider speaks for itself. After mating, the female eats its smaller partner without regrets. She does this simply because she wants to eat. Laboratory experiments have shown that if a female is properly fed before a date, she will let her man go with the world.

Chameleon furcifer labordi

These chameleons from Madagascar live very little: they hatch from eggs in November, and by April, all without exception, die. Scientists believe that the cause of such early death is the intense and debilitating sexual life of lizards. Males lead long battles for females, and during mating are very aggressive. As a result of vigorous love games, all lizards very quickly exhale and die long before hatching their young.

Pliers Acarophen mahunkai

The mites of this species begin to mate with each other while still in the body of their mother. One day she explodes, and all her offspring are at liberty, but if the females have the opportunity to enjoy life, then their brothers almost immediately die, because they have already fulfilled their main task ...

Frog Rhinella proboscidea

Frogs Rhinella proboscidea, living in South America, during the mating season, arrange bloody orgies. Several males attack the female at the same time, wanting to fertilize it, and often stamping to death. "Fun" continues even after the death of the frog. The quickest and quickest male grabs a dead frog, squeezes out eggs from it and fertilizes them. On scientific this monstrous action is called "funkonalnoy necrophilia." At the same time in "love games" not only do females die, but also some males.

Pacific salmon

Salmon fish are killed immediately after spawning. Long swim up to the breeding grounds and rivalry for the females take away too much energy from them. After the females are spawned to the bottom, and the males fertilize it, almost all adults die. They just do not have the energy to live on.


Already on the 7th-10th day of his life, the queen bee goes to his first date, during which 6-8 drones become her knights at once. With all of them the uterus mates right in the air, after which the males die right away. During coition, a part of the genitalia of the drone remains in the body of the uterus, and therefore the chevalier gets an injury that is not compatible with life.